28 January 2019Published by Adi Suastawan on 28 January 2019Categories Headline NewsPPL and PKL, Undiksha Again Accepts Foreign StudentsSingaraja- Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) again welcomed eleven students from three universities in the Philippines to take part in […]
25 January 2019Published by Adi Suastawan on 25 January 2019Categories ScholarJaswanto, Undiksha Economics Student “Gives Birth” to a NovelHaving the status of a student means you don’t have to always struggle to produce work according to your major. […]
25 January 2019Published by Adi Suastawan on 25 January 2019Categories Headline NewsDeveloping the Sports Sector, Undiksha Collaborates with Gateway, NorwayGanesha University of Education (Undiksha) pays serious attention to the sports sector. The introduction and development of new sports continue. […]
24 January 2019Published by Adi Suastawan on 24 January 2019Categories NewsFaculty Meeting at Undiksha, Encouraged to Increase PNBP to QualityA number of faculties within the Ganesha University of Education have held 2019 working meetings. Such as the Faculty of […]
17 January 2019Published by Adi Suastawan on 17 January 2019Categories Headline NewsGanesha Education University XXVI Anniversary Art EventOn Wednesday (16/1), the Undiksha Arts Event Night was held, a series of the 26th Anniversary. This Art Degree Night […]
17 January 2019Published by Adi Suastawan on 17 January 2019Categories UncategorizedUndiksha XXVI Anniversary PKM Competition: Revive the Glory of PKM UndikshaOn Tuesday (15/01) the Undiksha XXVI Anniversary PKM Competition was held at building C1, Faculty of Economics. This competition was […]
17 January 2019Published by Adi Suastawan on 17 January 2019Categories Headline NewsUndiksha Regional Election, Senate Names Three CandidatesSingaraja- The stages of the 2019-2023 Rector Election (Pilrek) for the Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) continue to roll out. […]
17 January 2019Published by Adi Suastawan on 17 January 2019Categories Headline NewsUndiksha Regional Election, This is the Vision and Mission of the CandidatesSingaraja- The stages of the 2019-2023 Rector Election (Pilrek) for the Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) continue to roll out. […]
16 January 2019Published by Adi Suastawan on 16 January 2019Categories Headline NewsFlag Ceremony Commemorating the XXVI Anniversary of the Ganesha Education UniversityIn commemoration of Undiksha’s Anniversary, a series of events were held. On Tuesday (15/01), a flag ceremony was held on […]
15 January 2019Published by Adi Suastawan on 15 January 2019Categories ScholarPoco – Poco Gymnastics Competition Series of Ganesha XXVI Education University AnniversaryAt the 26th Undiksha Anniversary, a Poco-Poco gymnastics competition was held on Monday, January 14, 2019. It took place in […]
15 January 2019Published by Adi Suastawan on 15 January 2019Categories ScholarUKM PKIM Undiksha Holds Social ServiceUKM PKIM held a Social Service activity which was held at SD Negeri 4 Kaliasem, Kaliasem Village, Banjar District, Buleleng […]
14 January 2019Published by Adi Suastawan on 14 January 2019Categories Headline NewsEvaluation of 2018 Chancellor’s Performance Achievements, Denwas Undiksha Appreciates WTP AchievementsThe performance of the Ganesha Education University (Undiksha) Public Service Agency (BLU) in 2018 was evaluated by the Supervisory Board […]