Research and Innovation
About the Institute for Research and Community Service
Institute for Research and Community Service is a new institution that was established on June 1, 2016. This institution is a merger of two institutions, namely the Institute for Research and the Institute for Community Service, based on the Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 of 2016, concerning on Organization and Work Procedures of Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. This institution has the main task of coordinating the implementation of research activities and community services at Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha.
Center of Studies
LPPM Undiksha consists of six centers consisting of (1) Center for Research, (2) Center for Community Service, (3) Center for Intellectual Property Rights, (4) Center for Journal and Publication Development, (5) Center for Business Incubator Development, (6) Center for Science, Technology and Innovation. The six centers synergize to be able to publish, disseminate and create products from researchers and servants to be disseminated in the form of national and international reputable seminars and journals.
Implementation of Undiksha's Research and Innovation Program
Research for the Future
Innovation and technology seem inseparable in this digital era. Thus, research at Undiksha is not only carried out by lecturers, but only in collaboration with other researchers and students. It is expected that through this, more creative and effective inventions will emerge and contribute to the progress of the country and society.
For more information on student research results, see the specific page.
Information and Sevice LPPM Undiksha
LPPM Undiksha provides services to convey the problems you are experiencing and service consultations. Those who need, you can contact us through the available contacts.
Jalan Udayana No.11
Singaraja - Bali 81116
Phone and Email:
(0362) 22570
Time Service
Monday - Thursday : 08.00 a.m. - 04.00 p.m.
Friday: 08.00 a.m. - 04.30 p.m.