26 April 2019Published by Adi Suastawan on 26 April 2019Categories Headline NewsFrom IHEE in Timor Leste, Dozens of Students Take Part in the Undiksha Student Admission SelectionSingaraja- Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) participated in the Indonesia Higher Education Expo (IHEE) held by the Embassy of the […]
25 April 2019Published by Adi Suastawan on 25 April 2019Categories Headline NewsInvited by the Indonesian Embassy, Undiksha took part in IHEE 2019 in Timor LesteSingaraja- Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) participated in the 2019 Indonesia Higher Education Expo (IHEE) held by the Embassy of […]
24 April 2019Published by Adi Suastawan on 24 April 2019Categories Headline NewsCreating Competitive Graduates, Undiksha Prepares an OBE-Based CurriculumSingaraja- Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) is currently revising the 2016 curriculum. This is not only for vocational and education […]
24 April 2019Published by Adi Suastawan on 24 April 2019Categories Headline NewsHolding a National Championship, Undiksha Pencak Silat UKM Strategy to Recruit Reliable AthletesSingaraja- Dozens of athletes from a number of regions in Indonesia competed in their abilities at the Ganesha Open Pencak […]
13 April 2019Published by Adi Suastawan on 13 April 2019Categories Headline NewsInaugurated as Chancellor of Undiksha, Prof. Jampel Promotes Strengthening InternationalizationJakarta- Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Jampel, M.Pd has been appointed Chancellor of the Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha), for the […]
10 April 2019Published by Adi Suastawan on 10 April 2019Categories Headline NewsOverseas PKL and PPL Registration Increases, Undiksha Develops CollaborationSingaraja- Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) has rolled out the Field Work Practice (PKL) and Field Experience Program (PPL) programs […]
4 April 2019Published by Adi Suastawan on 4 April 2019Categories Headline NewsWelcoming Industrial Revolution 4.0, Undiksha Boosts Online LearningSingaraja- The application of online learning continues to be encouraged by the Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha). This innovation is […]
2 April 2019Published by Adi Suastawan on 2 April 2019Categories Headline NewsPosition for the 2019-2023 Period, Prof. Jampel is again trusted to be Chancellor of UndikshaSingaraja- The election for the Chancellor of the Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) for the 2019-2023 period took place, Tuesday […]
30 March 2019Published by Adi Suastawan on 30 March 2019Categories Headline NewsNot even a year old, FK Undiksha is preparing for accreditationSingaraja- The Faculty of Medicine, Ganesha Education University (FK-Undiksha) is not yet a year old. However, preparations for accreditation of […]
30 March 2019Published by Adi Suastawan on 30 March 2019Categories Headline NewsUndiksha’s 58th Graduation Ceremony, Graduates Encouraged to Have CharacterSingaraja- Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) held its 58th graduation ceremony, on Friday (29/3/2019). The event, which took place in […]
28 March 2019Published by Adi Suastawan on 28 March 2019Categories Headline NewsExhibiting Sea Grapes, Undiksha Students Won First Place in the Student Entrepreneurship ExpoSingaraja- The achievements made by Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) students continue to flow. This time it came from Dewa […]
28 March 2019Published by Adi Suastawan on 28 March 2019Categories Headline NewsSocialization to Undiksha, Governor of Bali asks for support to make development successfulSingaraja- The Bali Provincial Government continues to boost development in various fields. To make this a success, the role of […]