Singaraja- In order to support the skills aspect of Physical Education, Sports, and Health (PJOK) learning, classroom learning is needed to improve students’ knowledge abilities. In this case, in general, teachers only rely on learning books as a means of transferring knowledge. However, the different comprehension abilities of students cause difficulties in understanding the movements in the pictures contained in the PJOK textbook. The characteristics of the images are also less structured, making it difficult for students to understand each stage of the movement in question.
Judging from this problem, the Undiksha PKM-PM TEAM is chaired by Alifudien Putra Setia from the S1 Physical Education Health and Recreation Study Program, whose members are Ni Luh Puspa Pratiwi (PGSD), Putu Satya Dadi Saputra (S1 Accounting), I Made Agus Wedananda Putra ( S1 Accounting), and Syarifudin Abdullah (Information Systems) tried to provide a solution. The team was accompanied by supervisor Dr. I Ketut Iwan Swadesi, S.Pd., M.Or initiated the Gelora Education Program.
Team Leader, Alifudien Putra Setia explained that the “Gelora Education” program targets elementary school (SD) sports teachers in Sukasada District, Buleleng. The program aims to provide training and guidance on creating an integrated sportsbook in Augmented Reality. The implementation of the program is divided into 4 stages called “Gelora Stairs”, namely 1) Gelora Motivation, the initial stage of this program is socialization, equalizing perceptions, and providing motivation to the participants; 2) Enthusiasm, carried out pre-test, making guidebooks, and building enthusiasm through small group discussions; 3) Strong Gelora, including training and mentoring, improving learning media, as well as validation by material experts and media experts; 4) Gelora Tangguh, post-test and program evaluation carried out. This program will be implemented from 21 August 2023 to 26 September 2023.
This activity received an enthusiastic response from the participants, as seen by their active participation, good attendance, and motivation to learn. During the “Gelora Tangguh” stage, it was seen that participants’ abilities increased in making books that were integrated with augmented Reality. Participants learn about good image design, video shooting, video editing, and merging them together in augmented Reality. At the end of the program implementation, one of the participants, Ni Luh Riani, S.Pd, revealed that the “Gelora Edukasi” program was very useful and helped teachers deliver learning material more optimally and effectively. The Sukasada District KKGO also provided full support and facilities to the PM PKM Team “Gelora Edukasi” from Undiksha to carry out this activity. The Chair of the Sukasada District KKGO, I Made Wardana, S.Pd saw significant changes in improving teacher abilities, especially in creating learning media which will ultimately improve students’ learning abilities in sports subjects. (rls)