Singaraja- Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) launched an internationalization program in 2019. For the success of this program, academic texts have been prepared. The manuscript was handed over by the team to the Chancellor of Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Jampel, M.Pd in the Rectorate’s Ganesha II Room, Thursday (27/2/2020).
Team leader, Dr. I Wayan Widiana, S.Pd., M.Pd., explained that the academic paper was compiled in 2019, which accommodated ideas from team members as well as input from outside. “I appreciate the dedication and thoughts of the entire team along with the support from the Undiksha leadership so that this guidebook in the form of an academic text can be completed on time,” he explained.
The text contains indicators and achievement targets in program implementation. “Some of the indicators in this book are program achievement targets at Undiksha for international activities, such as visiting professors, visiting lectures, international activities, such as regular programs, credit earning, joint research, and joint publications,” he said while hoping that the targets that have been formulated have been achieved. could be realized in 2020.
The Chancellor of Jampel hopes that this book can serve as a guideline for organizing internationalization at home so that Undiksha can become a learning home for world students. “With this book, we are ready to realize Undiksha as a university that goes international by introducing Undiksha’s potential to the international community,” he said.
He emphasized that the internationalization program at home is very important in order to prepare Undiksha to become a superior university in Asia and even the world. “Through this time thought, Undiksha can design programs in an effort to increase cross-cultural interaction. Indirectly contributing to improving communication and innovation skills in the academic and non-academic fields at Undiksha,” he concluded. (hms)
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- Photo Bersama Rektor dengan Tim Internationalization at Home