The Bidikmisi Undiksha Communication Forum held a succession and election of a new chairman (18/5) at the Undiksha FHIS Seminar Building. Attended by Vice Chancellor III Undiksha, Head of Student Welfare Subdivision, UKM representatives, and bidikmisi student delegations from each faculty. The succession, which is Forkom Bidikmisi’s annual agenda, was opened by Deputy Chancellor 3 of Undiksha, Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Pujawan, M.Kes. In his speech, he advised all Bidikmisi students to be able to balance their rights and obligations. Apart from that, Pujawan also thanked the previous management for carrying out their duties well.
In this year’s succession, there are two candidates for chairman of the Undiksha Bidikmisi Communication Forum. Ni Made Sindy Warasniasih (FE) as candidate number 1 for chairman and Kadek Restu Ariawan (FOK) as candidate number 2. Both candidates for chairman explained the vision and mission for Forkom Bidikmisi in the future and then answered questions from succession participants.
The event continued with voting. From the voting results, Ni Made Sindy Warasniasih was elected as Chair of the Bidikmisi Forkom for the 2019/2020 term with 75 votes.
At the end of the event, Kadek Dwiyantini Putri as chairman of Forkom Bidikmisi for the 2018/2019 period expressed his thanks to the Forkom administrators for the previous period and conveyed his impressions and messages during his tenure, “While I served as chairman of Forkom Bidikmisi for the 2018/2019 term, I was very grateful because I was able to “learning to lead, being a leader taught me what to provide, survive and be responsible in an organization,” she said. Dwiyantini also advised the Forkom Bidikmisi management for the 2019/2020 term to be responsible for what is done within the organization.
On the same occasion, the elected chairperson, Sindy, also conveyed her message, “I would like to thank the Bidikmisi student representatives for trusting me. I hope that there will be cooperation between bidikmisi recipients and institutions and that bidikmisi students must have commitment.” As a future plan, this Accounting (S1) student has prepared several work programs for activities that will be carried out by Forkom Bidikmisi. (Budi Setiawan)