Singaraja- Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) through the Student Career Development and Entrepreneurship Academic Support Unit (UPA-PKKM) provided training to dozens of Student Entrepreneurial Program (PMW) teams, Tuesday (25/7/2023). The team has qualified for a direct funding grant from Undiksha in 2023.
This debriefing was attended by 34 teams with various types of business products, ranging from food and beverages, creative industries, culture and tourism, financial services, manufacturing, applied technology, and information technology. The team had previously passed administrative selection, static selection, and in dynamic selection.
The Head of UPA PKKM Undiksha, Nyoman Karina Wedhanti, S.Pd., M.Pd., accompanied by the Head of the PMW Debriefing Committee, Made Vina Arie Paramita, S.Pd., M.Pd explained that this activity was to provide additional knowledge for students whose business ideas or proposals have passed to the next stage. The material discussed in this debriefing is related to promotion, especially promotion through digital media.
This activity was presented by speaker Hendra W. Saputro, Founder & CEO of BOC Indonesia and a Technopreneur, Digital Marketer Entrepreneurial Activist & Blogger. He delivered material related to digital marketing, how to create an attractive website, and so on as promotional media. He hopes that after this activity is held, students will be able to make and understand how big the role of online promotion is.
One of the students who passed the PMW fund, I Putu Gede Guna Darma from the Management study program welcomed this activity. He who proposed the Taro sempol business innovation can know how to properly promote his business products through social media and websites so that they can be recognized by the wider community.
Apart from going through this debriefing activity, students are expected to be able to hone their entrepreneurship skills through various sources and various ways so that their business products can be competitive. (hms)