Ganesha Education University students provide knowledge on strengthening the potential of blind people in playing Balinese gender musical instruments. This is actualized through the Community Service Student Creativity Program (PKM-PM). This program, which uses audiobook media, has successfully received funding and entered the PKM Implementation Progress Assessment (PKP2) stage by the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemdikbudristek).
This PKM-PM collaborates with the Teratai Foundation, Denpasar. This innovation project is chaired by Putu Listya Candra Dewi, with members Dewa Ayu Kartika Pratiwi, Ni Putu Martha Pebrianti, and Putu Jessie Ardi Sudira from the Primary School Teacher Education Study Program (PGSD), and Kadek Dwika Darma Widyaputra from the Information Systems (SI) Study Program and accompanied by lecturer Drs. I Komang Ngurah Wiyasa, S.Pd., M.Kes
The target partners for this program are blind adults in categories low of vision and totally blind There are 5 people at the Teratai Foundation. After carrying out gender play training activities from 18 August 2023 to 25 September 2023 with a total of 12 training sessions, we finally reached the stage of performing gender play by the blind. This performance was held on September 25 2023 at the Teratai Denpasar Foundation, as one of the final results of the PKM program activities.
visually impaired people perform on Balinese musical instruments
The Media audiobook used in this project is a technological media in the form of audio that can be heard with the main equipment audiobook namely an MP3 player which contains focused gender material. There is an additional media audiobook that provides advantages in the form of flexibility and accessibility for blind people in playing gender independently without depending on time and place and supports the learning style of blind people who rely on hearing (auditorium). Besides that, the audiobook promoted by this team adopted the concept of learning which is combined with the Derama demonstration method (Listen, Touch, Play) in practicing playing gender can help training in a short period of time, this is because the material has been focused into small parts according to the level of training. The level of training in question is Bali Gender Training (PGB) which includes introduction, playing techniques, and the Tulang Lindung gending in gender.
The advantages of implementing this program are: First, participates in empowering blind people through training in traditional musical instruments to develop musical skills while also preserving local Balinese culture and wisdom. Second, the use of innovative audiobooks allows learning that is flexible, easy to access, suits the learning styles of blind people, and allows efficient learning in a short time. Lastly, this program helps explore the potential and demonstrate the existence of blind people with confidence to overcome doubts about the limited abilities of blind people. (rls)
Keunggulan dilaksanakannya program ini adalah pertama, turut serta memberdayakan penyandang tunanetra melalui pelatihan alat musik tradisional untuk mengembangkan keterampilan bermusik sekaligus turut melestarikan budaya dan kearifan lokal Bali. Kedua, penggunaan inovasi audiobook memungkinkan pembelajaran yang fleksibel, mudah diakses, sesuai dengan gaya belajar penyandang tunanetra serta memungkinkan pembelajaran efisien dalam waktu singkat. Terakhir, program ini membantu mengeksplorasi potensi dan menunjukkan eksistensi penyandang tunanetra dengan percaya diri untuk mengatasi keraguan akan keterbatasan kemampuan penyandang tunanetra. (rls)