Singaraja– Ambengan Village, Sukasada District, Buleleng Regency is not only famous for its natural tourism potential but is also a center for the production of incense and bamboo handicrafts. Students of the Engineering and Vocational Faculty of the University of Education of Ganesha also pay attention to developing this potential. Its realization is realized through the Holistic Village Development and Empowerment Program (PHP2D) which was initiated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek).
The program was implemented by a team consisting of Ngurah Putu Putra Adnyana, Komang Jepri Kusuma Jaya, Putu Zasya Eka Satya Nugraha, I Dewa Ayu Sulistiani Sugma, Gusti Ayu Kadek Dindayanti, Putu Indah Permata Aji, I Komang Pasek Mudiana, Ni Wayan Anggi Sri Wahyuni, Ni Luh Ade Meidiyanti, and Gede Mertayasa.
The team leader, Ngurah Putu Putra Adnyana explained the implementation of PHP2D in collaboration with the Ambengan Village Owned Enterprise (BUMDes). Under the guidance of lecturer, Ida Bagus Nyoman Pascima, S.Pd., M.Cs., the implementation of the program consists of four stages. First, prepare the raw materials. The FTK Working Group team carried out bamboo cultivation in the Ambengan Forest area which had a long-term impact on the availability of raw materials. Second, conducting handicraft training in collaboration with woven bamboo artists from Gianyar Regency to add a variety of artistic elements to handicraft products. Third, facilitating incense production by providing slicing machines and slicing machines. And fourth, developing a web page for commodity publications from BUMDes Ambengan so that it is better known by a wider audience. “The program that we carry out works from upstream to downstream,” he said, Saturday (4/12/2021).
This program received a positive response from the Head of Ambengan Village and the Head of the Ambengan BUMDes. It is expected to have an impact on improving the quality of business and the community’s economy. Meanwhile, Undiksha Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs, Alumni and Public Relations, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Suastra, M.Pd., said that the PHP2D program can be equated with Semester Credit Units (SKS). Apart from that, this program is also included as a competition funded by the central government so that students can contribute to solving problems in society. (rls/hms)