Singaraja- Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha) continues to try to improve the quality and quantity of research and community service program. The step taken was organizing a training activity for proposal arrangement at Sunari hotel, Lovina, 21-22 November 2022.
The activity that facilitated by the research and community service institution (LPPM) Undiksha, followed by Undiksha young lecturers that have NIDN and NIDK, as well some lecturers from Universitas Nusa Cendana. There were 4 informants, namely Prof. Dr. Sutikno, S.T., M.T., from Universitas Negeri Semarang, Prof. apt. Rizky Abdulah, Ph.D., from Universitas Padjajaran, Dr. rer. nat. I Wayan Karyasa, S.Pd.,M.Sc., from Undiksha, and Prof. Dr. I Putu Astawa, S.E.,M.M., from Politeknik Negeri Bali. This activity was opened by the vice rector for academic affairs and Undiksha cooperation, Dr. Gede Rasben Dantes, S.T.,M.T.I. He appreciated LPPM’s effort to improve research and community service quality and quantity. He hoped this activity could provide knowledge and experience to lecturers. “Especially for young lecturers at Undiksha, both those with NIDN and NIDK. In general, our NIDK lecturers are doctors from Buleleng Hospital. I think doctors who have NIDK also have the opportunity to submit research,” he said.
The Head of LPPM Undiksha, Dr. I Ketut Sudiana, M.Kes., also emphasized that research is a never-ending process. In line with this, he hopes that research conducted by lecturers will not stop with reports but can be published in reputable international journals or accredited national journals, as well as in the form of products that can be registered as intellectual property, made into books, or disseminated through community service programs. “This research is not a separate component of our Tri Dharma, so research, education, and community service, and the resulting research can also be one of the products that can later be implemented in PMM activities for the community. So, these are components that are integrated with each other,” he explained.
In order to encourage research implementation, Undiksha currently provides several schemes funded by the university. The first scheme, each lecturer is required to have one publication every year. The amount of fund given is in accordance with the academic position. “So, there are expert assistants, lecturers, head associate professors, and professors. The fund is also different. We hope this will motivate them to improve their academic positions,” he said.
The second scheme is competitive research. This scheme is open to all lecturers with predetermined requirements. The types are foreign cooperation research schemes, research group schemes, professor accelerated research schemes, and so on.
Through these steps, as well as through research proposal clinics or community service proposals, Undiksha’s lecturers are increasingly producing good quality research proposals and research output which will have an impact on increasing the university’s competitiveness. (hms)