Singaraja– University of Education Ganesha (Undiksha) students won achievements at the national level. This time it came from Kadek Reda Setiawan Suda, Electrical Engineering Education Study Program, and Ni Putu Dian Yurista Ningsih, English Language Education Study Program. The two of them, who were part of a team, won first place in the 2019 National Student Bidikmisi Festival Essay competition organized by the Alauddin Makassar State Islamic University Bidikmisi Student Association on 8-13 October 2019.
Yurista Ningsih revealed that at the competition, she presented the essay “Electrilation Tool Project: Portable Learning Media as a Means to Realize the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Electrical Lighting Installation Practicum”. To get brilliant achievements, you have to compete strictly with teams from other universities, such as Padjadjaran University, Semarang State University, Indonesian Education University, Hasanuddin University, and so on. “There were 35 teams that were finalists in this competition from various universities in Indonesia. Undiksha won the top prize,” she explained.
For this achievement, she admitted that he was very proud. The competition is also used as a place to find relationships and introduce Undiksha at the national level. “For us, winning and losing is just a bonus from the effort to prepare for the race. However, we still try to show our best and remain enthusiastic to take part in this national competition, “said this fifth-semester student.
Before moving to the final, in this competition, there are a number of stages that must be passed. Starting from administration to presentation. “From the registrants, there were 200 teams from all over Indonesia and we were able to qualify for the top 35. After presenting our work, we won the first prize,” he said. Vice Chancellor III Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Suastra, M.Pd., appreciated this achievement. It is hoped that more and more Undiksha students will be able to appear, both at national and international events. “Not only essays but other fields. This achievement is important for institutional rankings,” she concluded. (hms)