Singaraja- Dozens of students from the Faculty of Economics were deployed to become tax volunteers for 2020. The program, which is in collaboration with the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) Bali, is expected to be able to increase competency and strengthen competitiveness in the world of work. “Students who took part in this program were from the Accounting Study Program and Management Study Program,” explained Deputy Dean I FE Undiksha Dr. Gede Adi Yuniarta, SE., M.Sc., Ak., after the release ceremony at the local campus, Tuesday (4/2/2020).
He explained students who registered for this program were around 80 people. However, after administrative selection and interviews were carried out by the FE Undiksha Tax Center, 42 people were declared passed. These students will volunteer for almost two months at KPP Pratama Singaraja, the Amlapura Tax Counseling and Consultation Service Office (KP2KP), Jembrana KP2KP, and at the FE Undiksha Tax Center. “Our hope is that through this program we can produce superior, competitive, and increasingly competitive human resources. We assume that excellent students are able to apply theory and practice in the field,” explained Adi Yuniarta.
Apart from the field of taxation, as an effort to increase student competence, FE Undiksha also prepared an investment gallery which was formed three years ago. The program provides education to students and the public regarding capital market investment. “Besides that, we also have cooperation with a public accounting firm specifically for auditor practice for students. In essence, all of these programs are an effort to create superior human resources,” he added.
Meanwhile, the Head of the FE Undiksha Tax Center, I Nyoman Putra Yasa, S.E., M.Sc., BKP., said that before going into the field, these tax volunteers had been provided with the briefing and participated in the workshop. “So their volunteers have to master tax matters. Those who participate are those who have taken tax courses. They can register,” he explained.
The Head of the Service Guidance and Consultation Section for the Bali DGT Regional Office, Rosafiati Unik Wahyuni, explained that the tax volunteer program in collaboration with universities has become a national program since 2019. “We hope that through this, students can apply the knowledge they have obtained on campus to the world of work. ,” he explained.
Delivered further, in this program, volunteers are tasked with educating the public regarding their annual SPT reporting through e-Filing. “Most of the taxpayers are not used to using e-Filing. So these volunteers can educate. This is also to be able to adapt more quickly in the world of work, “he concluded. One of the volunteers, Ni Kadek Ayu Widia, stated that this program would be used as a medium for improving self-quality and gaining important experiences to face the competitive world of work. (hms)