Singaraja- Chancellor of Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Jampel, M.Pd., appointed the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics for the 2020-2024 period in the Rectorate’s Room Ganesha III, Friday (7/8/2020). Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs held by Dr. Dra. Ni Made Suci, M.Sc., Deputy Dean for Public Administration and Finance held the position of Dr. I Putu Gede Diatmika, S.E., Ak., M.Sc, and the Deputy Dean for Student and Alumni Affairs is Gede Putu Agus Jana Susila, S.E., MBA.
In his direction, the Chancellor of Jampel said that the process of succession to the Dean and the election of the Deputy Dean at the Faculty of Economics had gone well and smoothly. That means the concept of togetherness, and harmony based on the Tri Hita Karana philosophy that has been echoed so far has been implemented in every step and activity. “I beg us to continue to maintain conduciveness, togetherness, and always hand in hand in harmony,” he said.
This new official was asked to continue pending programs and build a better academic climate, and continue to encourage the entire academic community to produce the best research and innovation works. Undiksha is an academic institution. According to the Chancellor of Jampel, it is appropriate to highlight academic achievements. “Hopefully the works and innovations produced by the Undiksha academic community can be useful and directly felt by the community,” he said. This is very necessary in order to increase the acquisition of publications both nationally and internationally in order to support the achievement of the competitiveness of this institution or nation, and it greatly influences the ranking of higher education clusters. “We must be able to maintain commitment and work together to realize Undiksha’s vision of becoming a superior university based on the Tri Hita Karana philosophy in Asia in 2045. I also ask for support from all parties to work together in building this institution,” hoped the Chancellor from Nusa Dua, Badung Regency.
On this occasion, thanks and appreciation were also conveyed to I Putu Gede Parma, S.St.Par., M.Par., for his dedication, commitment, and performance achievements as Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance for the 2016-2020 period. “I hope that in the future I can continue to support development at the Faculty of Economics,” he said.
Delivered further, in university development, there are a number of challenges and opportunities that must be faced and answered. These challenges include, 1) Maintaining or increasing Undiksha’s accreditation, including each study program towards superior accreditation or international accreditation. 2) Strengthening and increasing the quality of institutional governance to make it more effective and efficient; 3) Strengthening and increasing the quality and quantity of research, community service, and scientific publications, both in indexed international journals and accredited national journals. 4) Improving the quality of the teaching and learning process to produce qualified and competitive graduates. 5) Increasing student participation in national and international scale competitions. 6) Optimizing the collaboration that has been built or initiating new collaborations both with domestic and foreign institutions that are able to contribute to the development of institutions and on the basis of benefits for the entire academic community. 7) Improving HR academic qualifications and creating a positive academic atmosphere, and 8) Optimizing the role of Information and Communication Technology in supporting university operations and management. “I also want this faculty to always be able to provide excellent service to the community in the form of the presence of institutions and academics in the midst of society in solving problems so that the existence of Undiksha is greatly felt by the surrounding community and society at large,” added Rector Jampel.
Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Dr. Gede Adi Yuniarta, S.E., Ak., M.Sc., said that after the inauguration of the deputy, his party immediately closed ranks to realize the program that had been designed. He emphasized the commitment to carry out the targets given by the Chancellor. Including in relation to building cooperation at the international level. “This university is expected to excel in Asia. Of course, the direction of cooperation that we are doing is international in direction,” he explained. (hms)
- Suasana pelantikan Wakil Dekan Fakultas Ekonomi Undiksha