Singaraja- The efforts of the Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) in supporting the prevention of Covid-19 are not only demonstrated by donating Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for medical personnel in Buleleng Regency. But also by distributing masks to residents who are active in markets around Singaraja City, Sunday (12/4/2020).
The activity which took place in the morning was led by Vice Chancellor III Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Suastra, M.Pd, accompanied by the Student Affairs and Public Relations Section. This activity received support from students who are members of the Student Republic Student Executive Board (BEM-REMA), the Bidikmisi program, and the Affirmation program. The distribution of masks targeted residents who were active in four markets, namely Banyuasri Market, Anyar Market, Buleleng Market, and markets in the Kampung Tinggi area. On the sidelines, the Deputy Chancellor, I Wayan Suastra explained that there were about a thousand masks distributed which were procured using voluntary funds from the Undiksha family. “The distribution has gone well. There are fourteen distribution points spread across four markets,” he explained.
These masks are really needed by the community, especially those with a middle to lower economy. Through this step, it is hoped that it can anticipate the spread of Covid-19. “Masks are now quite expensive. So we from Undiksha want to help alleviate that,” he said.
The community gave a positive response to this community service program. One of them is from Putu Joni Arta. He, who is a laborer transporting goods at Pasar Anyar, admits that he is quite burdened by the price of masks, which are currently quite expensive. “The economy is now far away. Very different. Now it’s hard to eat. Now the price of masks is quite expensive. So it’s good that there is an activity to distribute masks. I hope more and more do it,” he said.
Meanwhile, Undiksha BEM-REMA representative, Gede Yudi Arta Wiguna stated that he supported this activity. “We really support this. Now masks are available, but they are expensive. So people who are economically disadvantaged need help,” he said.
Apart from the community, Undiksha is also preparing assistance for underprivileged students in the form of basic food packages, including for students from outside Bali who are still living in Singaraja City during the Covid-19 pandemic. This is supported by data collection so that the assistance that is distributed is right on target. Supporting the online learning process, this superior accredited university also provides internet data package assistance for students. (hms)
- Suasana pembagian masker kepada warga yang dilakukan Undiksha