
Vision :

Becoming an excellent study program in the field of community midwifery based on the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana in Indonesia in 2030


  1. Organizing education and teaching to produce professional human resources in the field of health services, especially community midwifery.
  2. Conducting research for the development and application of science, technology and/or art in the field of community midwifery services.
  3. Organizing community service as a form the implementation of science and technology in the health sector in order to increase the contribution of community midwifery care services to achieve optimal public health degrees.


  1. Applying concepts and principles as well as knowledge and skills that underlie the professionalism of midwives in providing midwifery care and services;
  2. Carrying out professional midwifery care (for women in their life cycle (adolescence, pre-marital, pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, climacterium, menopause and the period between, conception, neonates, infants and children under five) in all medical care settings in institutions and communities;
  3. Developing a professional attitude in midwifery practice, interpersonal communication and counseling as well as establishing cooperation in the medical team;
  4. Providing midwifery services by taking into local customs and culture, by carrying out promotional and preventive efforts, empowering women, families and communities by not neglecting curative and rehabilitative aspects.

Graduates Profile

  • Midwives who work independently
  • Midwives in hospitals, maternity hospitals, health centers, maternal and child health centers, community maternity post, and community health post;
  • Midwives who take care of maternal and child health programs at the Health Department and Community Health Center;
  • Midwives who take care of maternity centers, maternal and child health centers;
  • Community Midwives who are able to manage community-based health efforts (UKBM) such as Integrated Service Center for Toddlers, Adolescents, and Elderly

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