Geography Education
Becoming an excellent study program in science and technology in Geography Education based on the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana
- Undertaking education and learning in order to produce high quality human resources in geography education;
- Conducting research in order to develop and implement science and technology in geography education;
- Undertaking social services as the implementation of science and technology in the framework of increasing the contribution made by the Study Program of Geography Education to the people’s prosperity;
- Making the study program accountable and transparent in order to guarantee the sustainable improvement of quality; and
- Creating mutually benefitting cooperation and partnership with other universities and related institutions in geography education based on the Memorandum of Understanding made by Ganesha University of Education with them.
- Producing independent and intelligent graduates of geography education with a good character who can develop themselves professionally;
- Producing excellent and creative scientific works in geography education;
- Undertaking social services through the implementation of geography education in order to produce welfare, productive and independent society;
- Producing efficient and effective performance so that TridharmaPerguruanTinggi (teaching, research and social service) can be sustainably implemented.
- Creating beneficially benefitting relationships in the framework of improving the quality of the institution and graduates, and implementing geography education.
Profile of Graduates
- High School Geography Teachers
Mastering geographical concepts and being able to develop and implement them professionally in the learning process; being responsible and having a Pancasila-based moral. - Researchers Supporting Geography Teachers
Mastering the research method and technique needed in geography (education) research to support the geography teachers; being responsible, having personality and a Pancasila-based moral.