Economics Education
Becoming a Study Program of Economics Education which can develop Economics Education and produce high quality and highly competitive teachers of Economics with the spirit of entrepreneurship
Undertaking ‘Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi’ (research, teaching and social service) in Economics Education, conducting research and undertaking social services in order to produce quality and highly competitive human resources with the spirit of entrepreneurship in academic, professional and vocational fields.
- Producing quality, pious, and professional graduates with integrity, value and attitude, knowledge, intelligence, skill and capability as teachers of economics education, and entrepreneurship, and consultants in economics education.
- Producing academic studies in the environment-oriented and local wisdom-based economic education.
- Producing teachers, entrepreneurs, consultants, and researchers in economics education to contribute to the people’s prosperity.
- Creating good cooperation and partnership with the governmental institutions, the business world or other institutions in order to improve the quality of graduates.
Profile of Graduates
- Teachers of Economics Education
Being able to (1) master the educational principles and theories, the learning method and strategy applied to the economics learning; (2) develop the curriculum of economics, plan, perform and evaluate the economics learning; (3) develop the learners’ potentials in-depth; (4) implement the basic teaching principles in every level of education (Junior High School, Senior High School, and Vocational High School) based on the humanistic values and human rights; (5) work collectively to solve the education and learning-related problems; (6) help parents and learners who have learning problems; and (7) have great personalities and strong character as teachers. - Entrepreneurs in Education
Being able to (1) master the basic concepts of economics; (2) understand economics in-depth and widely; (3) develop the relationship among the basic concepts and subjects; (4) communicate effectively and in writing; and (5) be creative and innovative. - Consultants in Economics Education
Being able to (1) give considerations in regard to the curriculum development; (2) give considerations in regard to the learning process; (3) give considerations in regard to the learning design; and (4) give considerations in regard to the learning management. - Researchers in Economics Education
Being able to (1) implement the scientific principle, law, and basic theory in the daily life; (2) conduct research or develop innovative works, and communicate the research results.