The Brief History of Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

In the academic year of 2013/2014, Undiksha obtained authority to manage new departments, such as Diploma III for Visual Communication Design within Faculty of Language and Art according to the Letter of Assignment by the Director General of Higher Education Number 292/E.E2/DT/2013 dated April 5, 2013. Diploma III Program of Library, D-III Program of Survey and Mapping within the Faculty of Social Sciences based on the Assignment Letter by the Director General of Higher Education Number 618/E.E2/DT/2013 dated July 5, 2013, and the Department of Sociology Education (S1) within the Faculty of Social Sciences based on the Letter of Assignment by Director General of Higher Education Number 667/E.E2/DT/2013 dated July 18, 2013. In 2021, Undiksha has managed 8 faculties and postgraduate program, such as:

  1. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) which oversees:
    1. Study Program of Mathematics Education (S1)
    2. Study Program of Physics Education (S1)
    3. Study Program of Chemistry Education (S1)
    4. Study Program of Biology Education (S1)
    5. Study Program of Chemical Analyst (D-IIl)
    6. Study Program of Marine Cultivation (D-III)
    7. Study Program of Natural Science Education (S1)
    8. Study Program of Chemistry (S1)
    9. Study Program of Mathematics (S1)
    10. Study Program of Biology (S1)
    11. Study Program of Aquaculture (S1)
  2. Faculty of Law and Social Science (FHIS) is in charge of:
    1. Study Program of History Education (S1)
    2. Study Program of Geography Education (S1)
    3. Study Program of Pancasila and Civic Education (S1)
    4. Study Program of Library (D-III)
    5. Study Program of Survey and Mapping (D-III)
    6. Study Program of Sociology Education (S1)
    7. Study Program of Law Science (S1)
  3. Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS) is in charge of:
    1. Study Program of Indonesian Language and Literature Education (S1)
    2. Study Program of English Education Department (S1)
    3. Study Program of Fine Arts Education (S1)
    4. Study Program of English (D-III)
    5. Study Program of Balinese Language Education (S1)
    6. Study Program of Japanese Language Language (S1)
    7. Study Program of Visual Communication Design (D-III)
  4. Faculty of Educational Science (FIP) is in charge of:
    1. Study Program of Guidance and Counseling (S1)
    2. Study Program of Educational Technology (S1)
    3. Study Program of Elementary School Teacher Education (S1)
    4. Study Program of Primary School Teacher Education (S1)
  5. Faculty of Technology and Vocational Studies (FTK) is in charge of:
    1. Study Program of Home Industry Education (S1)
    2. Study Program of Informatics Management (D-III)
    3. Study Program of Electrical Engineering (D-III)
    4. Study Program of Informatics Engineering Education (S1)
    5. Study Program of Electro Engineering Education (S1)
    6. Study Program of Mechanical Engineering (S1)
  6. Faculty of Sport and Health (FOK) is in charge of:
    1. Study Program of Physical Education, Health and Recreation (S1)
    2. Study Program of Sports Science (S1)
    3. Study Program of Sport Coaching Education (S1)
    4. Study Program of Midwifery (D-III)
  7. Faculty of Economics (FE) is in charge of:
    1. Study Program of Economics Education (S1)
    2. Study Program of Accounting (S1)
    3. Study Program of Management (S1)
    4. Study Program of Accounting (D-III)
    5. Study Program of Hospitality (D-III)
  8. Faculty of Medicine (FK) is in charge of:
    1. Study Program of Medical Studies
  9. Postgraduate Program in charge of:
    1. Master Program of Language Education
    2. Master Program of Educational Research and Evaluation Method
    3. Master Program of Education Administration Studies
    4. Master Program of Elementary Education
    5. Master Program of Educational Technology
    6. Master Program of English Language Education
    7. Master Program of Guidance and Counselling
    8. Master Program of Social Science Education
    9. Master Program of Mathematics
    10. Master Program of Computer Science
    11. Master Program of Sport Science
    12. Master Program of Management
    13. Master Program of Accounting
    14. Doctoral Program of Educational Science
    15. Doctoral Program of Language Education
    16. Doctoral Program of Elementary Education