The reregistration of Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri or SNMPTN (a national selection applied by all of Indonesia State Universities in one integrated system) for student candidates in academic year 2018/2019 was held in Auditorium Kampus Tengah Undiksha on Tuesday (8/5). Around 1.308 students candidates were selected from SNMPTN. They came in the morning wearing tidy shirt to reregister. By the cooperation of the committee from rector’s office and the participants, this event tended to be crowed yet moving smoothly from one activity to the other activities.
The steps of this reregistration event were divided into six counters. The first counter was for tuition fee/Bidikmisi validation, the second counter was for medical checkup, the third counter was for files checkup (for Bidikmisi students), the fourth counter was verification of students’ report grade and Surat Keterangan Lulus or SKL (a letter of graduation) verification, the fifth counter was validation conducted by the IT team for data validation to get students’ register number, and the last counter is for file submission in each faculty that the students belonged to.
Different from the last-year event there were tends and chairs served to the candidates and their parents this year around Auditorium Undiksha thus they could comfortably wait for the reregistration. Yet, there were still some of the students waited by standing up in front of the Auditorium gate.
“The reregistration for SNMPTN and test for SBMPTN were conducted at the same time. This is reasonable for ensuring the candidates’ choice and avoiding the doubled/same candidates’ name both in SNMPTN and SBMPTN.”, Nyoman Mudana, S.Sos. explained as the secretary of reregistration committee.