Singaraja- Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha was visited by Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas), Friday (28/10/2022). The visitation in order to get information about Journal management.
Undiknas was led by the head of the Research and community service institution or Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM), Ir. I Wayan Sutama, M.T.,IPM. He who came with staff received by Head of LPPM Undiksha, Dr. I Ketut Sudiana, M.Kes., and staff.
On that occasion, Wayan Sutama conveyed that Undiksha chosen as a place for sharing is inseparable from the quantity and quality achievements of good journal management, especially at the SINTA ranking. “Therefore, we look that Undiksha as the right place to share or exchange information in terms of journal management,” he said.
Based on the presentation from the Head of the Undiksha Journal and Publication Management Center, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Widiana, S.Pd., M.Pd., there are several things Undiknas can adopt. In the future, continued Sutama, his party plans to collaborate with Undiksha in assisting journal management. “We plan later in terms of journal management there will be guidance and also through the Indonesian Journal Volunteer which is coincidental Mr. Wayan Widiana taking part in the Indonesian Journal Volunteer. We will ask for his guidance, “he added.
Meanwhile, the Head of LPPM Undiksha, I Ketut Sudiana, who represented the Rector, said that the visitation from Undiknas was an honor for Undiksha and a form of trust in Undiksha in journal management. He emphasized that this meeting was also a space for sharing knowledge and experience and motivating Undiksha to improve quality. “This trust on the one hand is pride, on the other hand Undiksha is also required to do even more,”
Also conveyed that in the management of journals, several strategic steps were carried out by Undiksha, starting from the declaration of the year of publication in 2017, organizing an editor in chief school, as well as ongoing assistance and evaluation. During the five years running, this step has led Undiksha to be able to manage 120 journals, 19 of which have SINTA 2.
In the future, continued Sudiana, Undiksha will focus more on improving the quality of journals as indicated by increasing accreditation status to achieve SINTA 1 and 2 or global indexed journals. Realizing this, through leadership policies, Undiksha not only encourages the improvement of the quality aspects of the journal substance but also strengthens its managerial aspects and Human Resources. (hms)