Bangli- Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha) held a socialization for Kartu Indonesia Pintar Kuliah (KIP-K) program to the village elders and sub-district heads. The socialization that took place on Friday (14/2/2025) focused on Bangli Regency.
This socialization has a strategic goal, to ensure the accuracy of economic data on people who are qualified to receive KIP-K scholarships. The village head as the front liner of government at the village is expected to provide accurate information about people who need assistance to continue their higher education.
Undiksha’s Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Alumni, and Public Relations, Prof. Dr. I Ketut Sudiana, M.Kes emphasized two main urgencies in this socialization. First, there are problems in the world of education in Indonesia, such as limited access owned by underprivileged students, the quality of education that still needs to be improved, and the relevance of education that is not optimal. In addition, the college gross enrollment rate (APK) is still relatively low. To overcome these problems, the government has prepared a solution in the form of the KIP-K scholarship, which is an education fund for outstanding young people from underprivileged families so that they can receive higher education.
Prof. Sudiana emphasized that information about KIP-K is very important for village heads to know, so that they can inform the people in need. Village heads have a deeper understanding of the socio-economic conditions of the people in their area, so they are expected to help ensure this education assistance is right on target. Thus, this national program is expected to be right on target and right on benefits.
The Head of the Bangli Regency PMDPP-KB Office, I Dewa Agung Putu Purnama, S.STP welcomed this socialization activity. He hopes that the KIP-K program can be better known and understood by the community, so that opportunities for underprivileged students to continue their education to the university level are increasingly wide open.
Previously, Undiksha also provided socialization to villages and village heads in Buleleng Regency with the same purpose. (hms)