Singaraja- Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) is again implementing the In-Service Professional Teacher Education (PPG) program in 2019. Participants in the first phase of the program were 313 people from various regions in Indonesia. Graduation is targeted at one hundred percent. This was conveyed by the Chancellor of Undiksha, Dr. I Nyoman Jampel, M.Pd., at the opening of the initial orientation which took place at the Postgraduate Auditorium, on Monday (11/3/2019).
The Chancellor from South Kuta, Badung Regency said that Undiksha had received the trust to implement PPG in 22 study programs from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. The participants were not limited to Bali, but from other regions in Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke. “We are targeting one hundred percent graduation from the PPG program in this position. “Just like the previous Bachelor of Education in Frontier, Outermost and Disadvantaged Regions (SM-3T),” he stressed, accompanied by the Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Putu Arnyana, M.Sc.
Through this program, participants are expected to become more professional teachers in carrying out the teaching and learning process and become more competitive. No less important is also being able to produce quality Human Resources (HR). “Through this, the quality of educational staff can improve,” he said.
Meanwhile, PPG Undiksha Coordinator, Drs. I Gede Nurjaya, M.Pd., said that the participants took part in PPG for the Primary School Teacher Education (PGSD), Early Childhood Teacher Education (PGPAUD), English Language Education and Physical, Sports and Health Education (PJOK) study programs. “Undiksha is trusted to implement PPG for 22 study programs. “For this first phase, there are four study programs,” he said.
After the initial orientation, participants must attend workshops, PPL briefings, and school visits which last until May 4, 2019. Apart from that there are also UKMPPG-UKIN, material consolidation, and UKMPPG-UP. “There are several activities that must be participated in. “Farewell is planned for May 13, 2019,” he explained. Apart from positions, this university which has a Faculty of Medicine is also trusted to implement subsidized pre-service PPG, SM-3T, PPG in the position of Special Regional Teacher (Gurdasus). “The number of participants tends to increase every year,” he explained.
Based on the evaluation results, the graduation rate for participants in this program at Undiksha is always above the national average. In 2018 it reached 81.53 percent. However, this university with eight faculties continues to make efforts to improve program quality. “We continue to carry out evaluations, making improvements to deficiencies,” added Nurjaya. On this occasion various things related to Undiksha were conveyed, including the A accreditation which was achieved by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT). PPG participants are also expected to be able to help promote Undiksha to the community. (hms)
- Suasana peserta PPG dalam Jabatan tahap I di Undiksha mengikuti orientasi awal
- Peserta PPG Dalam Jabatan Tahap I di Undiksha