Singaraja– Chancellor of Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Lasmawan, M.Pd accompanied by the Vice Chancellor and Head of Bureau handed over the Professor’s Decree to Dr. Komang Setemen, S.Si., M.T., Dr. I Gusti Lanang Wiratma, M.Si., Dr. IGA. Lokita Purnamika Utami, S.Pd., M.Pd., and Dr. Edy Sujana, S.E., M.Si.Ak in the Ganesha I Room of the Rectorate, Wednesday (20/9/2023).
The Chancellor conveyed three things that he hoped the new professors would understand. First, success in achieving a professorship is based on the competencies possessed. Second, in the process of proposing, and facilitating, until the decree was issued Undiksha began to change its service paradigm by trying to always be present at every stage of staff career development. Third, success in achieving the position of Professor must be supported by providing the best performance for Undiksha and always being committed as a public servant. (hms)
Rektor menyampaikan tiga hal yang diharapkan dapat menjadi pemahaman oleh para guru besar yang baru ini. Pertama, keberhasilan meraih jabatan Guru Besar berdasarkan atas kompetensi yang dimiliki. Kedua, dalam proses pengusulan, memfasilitasi, sampai SK turun disebabkan karena Undiksha mulai merubah paradigma layanananya dengan mencoba selalu hadir pada setiap etape pengembangan karir staf. Ketiga, keberhasilan meraih jabatan Guru Besar harus didukung dengan memberikan kinerja terbaik untuk Undiksha dan selalu berkomitmen sebagai abdi negara. (hms)