Singaraja- Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) received a visit from Surabaya State University (Unesa), Wednesday (9/2/2022). The visit was in the context of sharing related to the management of international cooperation.
The Unesa delegation was led by the Head of the Office of International Affairs (KUI), Asrori. His presence was received by the Head of the Undiksha Cooperation and Public Relations Agency (BKK), Made Windu Antara Kesiman accompanied by staff.
At the meeting, Asrori said that his presence at Undiksha wanted to dig up information regarding international cooperation and domestic cooperation. “But because we are assigned more to international cooperation, sharing information on international activities carried out by Undiksha with us,” he said.
From the discussion, it was revealed that there were similarities in a number of programs between Undiksha and Unesa in the field of international cooperation, such as the joint summer course. In the future, the implementation of this program is expected to have cooperation between the two parties. “In terms of the program, it’s almost the same. We have the same vision, coincidentally Undiksha and Unesa are brothers who have the same character and this allows us to collaborate,” he said.
Meanwhile, Windu Kesiman expressed his appreciation for the visit from Unesa. According to him, Unesa is a much more advanced partner. Therefore, Undiksha also wants to be able to exchange information related to cooperation, especially international cooperation. This is in the framework of strengthening the implementation of internationalization at home which has been launched by Undiksha in 2019. “So actually Undiksha should have studied more with Unesa,” he said.
At this meeting, there was also sharing related to optimizing cooperation programs that have been established with universities abroad. Besides that, it is also about strategies to increase the number of foreign students and apprenticeship programs. This information sharing is expected to contribute to improving the quality of international cooperation governance. “From this discussion, we really hope that there are lots of things that can be learned from our partners at TTIs, namely Unesa, to jointly advance international programs at each campus,” he concluded. (hms)