Singaraja– Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) as one of the Teaching Personnel Education Institutions (LPTK) in Indonesia will administer the Teacher Professional Education Student Competency Test (UKMPPG) in Position Category I Batch 2 of 2023. This exam will be held on 24 and 25 June 2023 based on domicile. To strengthen this, a committee briefing was carried out involving the Supervisor, Friday (23/6/2023).
Undiksha PPG Coordinator, I Gede Nurjaya explained that Undiksha has had experience since 2012 as a UKMPPG implementer. However, preparations are still being made to the fullest. Moreover, domicile-based exams are faced with a number of challenges, such as unstable internet networks and uneven mastery of technology among participants. “Even though we have experience, we realize that along the way there will be a change. That is why we are still preparing to the maximum, “he explained.
He added UKMPPG is the last bastion for students to be called professional teachers. Therefore Undiksha is committed to maintaining the quality of its implementation with strict supervision. “We’re keeping an eye on the supervisor. Each room has a person in charge. We don’t want cheating from the participants,” he added.
At this briefing, Supervisors, Naniek Sulistya Wardani and Kusmajid Abdullah hoped that the UKMPPG implementation at Undiksha could run well and smoothly. One thing that is emphasized and needs to be paid attention to is the strict supervision of participants in order to anticipate fraud.
In addition to directing the committee, Undiksha also carried out a trial of UKMPPG. This is to ensure the readiness of all participants. (hms)