Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) continues to strengthen preparations to achieve A or superior accreditation. Chancellor, Dr. I Nyoman Jampel, M.Pd at the meeting, on Wednesday (6/2/2019) emphasized that to get results as expected, it is not enough to just rely on the committee and related teams. However, it needs the support of the entire academic community.
The former Deputy Chancellor II of Undiksha said that accreditation had become a commitment to be achieved this year. Supporting this, faculties and institutions have been encouraged to make thorough preparations, referring to the aspects assessed by the assessor team. “Preparations must be done carefully. “Everyone must work to make this a success,” he stressed at the leadership meeting which took place in the Ganesha I Room of the Rectorate.
The same thing was also emphasized to the committee in a meeting that took place in the Ganesha III Room of the Rectorate, accompanied by Vice Chancellors I to IV. “Communication must be intensified in every section,” he said. According to the schedule, the assessor’s visit to the campus which has eight faculties took place from 13 to 15 February 2019. (hms)
- Undiksha melakukan persiapan penerimaan tim assesor akreditasi