Singaraja- The Faculty of Economics (FE) of Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) through the Tax Center has contributed to increasing public understanding regarding taxation. This step is realized through the Community Service program in the form of Socialization and Tax Assistance with the target of the Village Government and Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes). This activity took place online, Wednesday (17/3/2021).
The Head of the Undiksha Tax Center, I Nyoman Putra Yasa, S.E., M.Si explained that the implementation of this economic sector activity was in collaboration with the Buleleng Regency Trade, Industry, and Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperative Office, Buleleng Regency Community and Village Empowerment Service (PMD), Buleleng Regional Office The Bali Directorate General of Taxes (Kanwil DGT Bali) and several SMKs in Buleleng Regency.
The Head of the Buleleng PMD Service, Nyoman Agus Jaya Sumpena, S.E., appreciated the implementation of this activity. He hopes to provide results and benefits, especially in increasing the ability and capacity of Village Government Apparatuses and BUMDes Management in implementing tax obligations. “We, on behalf of the Buleleng Regency Government and on behalf of ourselves, welcome and express our gratitude to the Undiksha Tax Center and DJP Bali who have together with the agency organized this activity. We will continue to carry out this activity in the future,” he said. His party realizes that until now there is still a need for increased capacity and understanding of tax obligations by the Village Government and BUMDes. The reason is, often in the implementation of the audit, errors are still found.
A similar view was expressed by the Head of the Counseling Guidance and Document Processing Section for the Bali DJP Regional Office, I Ketut Yasa, S.E., M.M. This activity is an effort to increase understanding of taxation while at the same time reminding that there are obligations as citizens, one of which is reporting annual taxpayers for personal and corporate taxpayers. “I hope that the purpose of this activity can be achieved, namely to provide understanding, information related to everything related to taxation,” he said.
The information referred to is how the role of taxes in the National Revenue Expenditure Budget (APBN). Therefore, it is hoped that the role of the Village Government and BUMDes is to carry out tax obligations in an orderly manner. On this occasion, it is also hoped that the information obtained through this socialization can be conveyed to the closest environment so that all people can understand the importance of tax obligations.
Meanwhile, the Dean of FE Undiksha, Dr. Gede Adi Yuniarta, S.E., M.Sc., Ak conveyed that as a government existence, at the level closest to the community, the village government is at the forefront to be present to assist the community in solving social problems, including economic problems. This is proof of the important role of the village government at this time in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic and also in previous normal situations. Likewise with BUMDes which have an equally important role. Its existence has four main objectives, namely to improve the village economy, increase the village’s original income, improve the management of village potential, and become the backbone of growth and equity in the rural economy.
According to Adi Yuniarta, the large role of the Village Government and BUMDes cannot be separated from other obligations, including taxation, as conveyed by the Head of the Buleleng PMD Service. Therefore, this tax socialization and assistance activity is considered appropriate to carry out. “We hope that this activity can benefit the village and BUMDes as well. How can we all understand about tax obligations, “he said. At the end of his remarks, he appreciated the cooperation of various parties in implementing this program. It is hoped that in the future this cooperation can be more intensive and able to provide greater implications for society. (hms)