Singaraja– Increasing scientific publications remain a serious concern of the University of Education of Ganesha (Undiksha). This is to support institutional clustering. This was revealed in the 2019 Scientific Publication Socialization which was held by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education at the Undiksha General Seminar Building, Thursday (24/10/2019).
In the socialization which was also attended by lecturers from a number of tertiary institutions in Buleleng Regency, the Head of the Undiksha Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM), Prof. Dr. I Gede Astra Wesnawa, M.Sc., said that in accordance with the work contract with the Rector, it was desired to increase scientific publications, both in accredited national and international journals of repute. Admittedly, specifically for Undiksha, in 2018 the number of publications increased sharply from the previous year. In 2019 there was also an increase, but not too significant. Through this socialization, it is hoped that a solution will be provided by the ministry. “We have held a scientific publication clinic or something else in order to increase publications. From this socialization, we hope to also get a strategy,” he explained.
The increase in scientific publications, according to a Geography academic, will have an impact on university rankings that are getting better at the national and international levels. Therefore, it continues to strive to accelerate. “This continues to be encouraged. In tertiary clustering, this is included as a concern,” he said.
Meanwhile, Undiksha Chancellor, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Jampel, M.Pd., said that scientific publication is the obligation of lecturers. This is also at the same time to support administrative requirements in promotion and pursuit of professorships. At Undiksha, this was proclaimed in 2017. “Undiksha has taken steps. From the declaration of this publication year, the number of publications has increased significantly,” he said. However, he wants the publication that is born must also be followed by downstream. In the sense that it can be a product that can improve people’s welfare. “This downstream can work with the industry,” he said.
Delivered further, the government has disbursed substantial funds to support research by universities. With a good system, it is hoped that it will be able to produce results that are in accordance with the support of quality Human Resources (HR). “I have never doubted the ability of Indonesian human resources. I have never doubted Undiksha’s HR. I say Undiksha dares to compete with anything. Any college. If we want to be committed, we can do it,” he said.
Research implementation, he added, does not only focus on one scientific discipline. But it can synergize with other sciences. Likewise, those involved in the team can be between faculties and universities. “Please cooperate. Including other countries,” he added. In this outreach, Undiksha is believed to be a hort. Three speakers were present, namely Suminar S. Achmadi who presented material for book publications and conferences, Wasman Manalu with material for Ethics of Scientific Publication and Dwi Fajar Saputra, material for Scientific Journal Publication and Access to Kemenristekdikti’s E-Resources. (hms)
- Suasana sosialisasi publikasi ilmiah tahun 2019 yang diselenggarakan Kemenristekdikti di Gedung Seminar Umum Undiksha, Kamis (24/10/2019).