Tabanan– The Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) of the University of Education of Ganesha (Undiksha) always supports ideas in the field of Community Service (PkM) for lecturers, moreover, the idea is very strategic. As a PkM proposal chaired by Ida Ayu Made Darmayanti, S.Pd., M.Pd. Departing from the reality of the school literacy movement which tends to involve students less, he and his team provided Literacy Instructor training for Student Council Administrators at Pupuan 1 Public Middle School, Tabanan Regency, Saturday (8/5/2021).
The implementation of this creative activity was not only overseen by lecturers but also staff, students, and even two teachers, each from SMPN 1 Pupuan, Dra. Ni Nyoman Muliati and SMPN 4 Pupuan, Drs. I Made Kerta Yasa. This opens opportunities for lecturers to collaborate in PkM so that teachers get experience managing a PkM and can produce written works. Likewise, lecturers can more easily collaborate with PkM because teachers in the field can contribute empirical knowledge, including various issues.
This activity presented Dr. I Wayan Artika, S.Pd., M.Hum as a guest speaker. There is no doubt about his experience in the field of the national literacy movement. Through his grassroots literacy movement, the lecturer at the Undiksha Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program is increasingly able to map the nation’s literacy issues more clearly.
Through these activities, it was revealed that students were still far from literacy habits. The support of teachers and families is still very much needed. Likewise support from other parties, such as the community literacy movement and universities. Doing one activity in the form of a lecture is not sufficient, but it will be a stepping stone for the development of literacy at SMPN 1 Pupuan.
The challenges of the literacy movement in schools are getting tougher considering that students’ daily life is getting further away from books. The internet era and digital life have indeed opened up many opportunities and various variations of the available text modes. Books seem to be getting sidelined by various content on social media. Indeed, various formulations of digital literacy have been born, but still, awareness of literacy is the basis of a literate attitude to life. This is something that doesn’t exist yet.
In the midst of the condition of students who are far from strong literacy content, it is very difficult to filter various contents and modes in the digital world. This PkM noted very important recommendations for OSIS in both schools, that literacy activities to support the school literacy movement could be carried out by OSIS with the first step being to formulate a work program in the field of literacy. After the PkM is finished, the team is still needed to open up various opportunities for collaboration and assistance to help implement the school literacy movement which is also handled by OSIS. This training is held in an open area so that participants can keep their distance as one of the Covid-19 prevention protocols. (rls)