Singaraja- Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha) managed to move up the Student Ranking Management Information System (SIMKATMAWA) in 2021. This excellent accredited university is ranked 13th nationally, up to ten levels from the previous one, which was ranked 23. This achievement is the pride of the academic community and a gift at the end of the year 2021.
As an illustration, SIMKATMAWA is a ranking system based on service quality in student affairs at each university. The design implemented in 2017 is an effort to improve the quality of higher education services in the field and student activities at the regional, national, and international levels. In addition, it is also to increase the contribution of universities to the development of interests, talents, reasoning, and creativity, as well as welfare and entrepreneurship development. “This is a driving force for how we at universities can provide continually increased quality services. This includes the implementation of the Independent Campus-Freedom to Learn (MBKM) policy,” said Undiksha, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, Alumni and Public Relations, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Suastra, M.Pd., Wednesday (12/8/2021).
Furthermore, Undiksha was very committed to supporting SIMKATMAWA from the start. The serious effort is indicated by the program’s implementation, which aligns with the assessment aspects. Moreover, efforts are also being made to improve the programme’s quality, including those related to student achievements that have reached the international level. “The programs implemented by Undiksha for the student sector are emphasized in line with the achievement of SIMKATMAWA, which is one of the efforts we make to move up the rankings. So is an achievement. We are pushing for national and international levels,” he said.
This proud achievement, he said, could not be separated from the support of the academic community and the hard work of the SIMKATMAWA team formed by Undiksha and students who are always eager to excel. In addition, SIMKATMAWA’s ranking is one of the supporters of increasing university rankings at national and international levels. Therefore, there is still a need for efforts to improve quality in the future and we always expected to get support from all parties. “Our target in the following year is to maintain or improve our current achievements. This means that we must be more serious in implementing student programs. This requires collaboration from all parties, lecturers, staff, and students,” concluded Suastra, who served as Undiksha Postgraduate Director. (lpsy)