Referring to the schedule for the implementation of the In-Service PPG for Teachers who have not passed the 2022 UTN PLPG from the Directorate of Teachers and Education Personnel (GTK), information is given to the 2023 In-Service PPG Phase II Participants, Ganesha Education University, the following are at this moment conveyed:
Self-report activities
In-service PPG participant self-report for teachers who have not passed the 2022 Undiksha PLPG UTN will be implemented online from 18 September 2023 by uploading the self-report administrative documents via the link with the following conditions :
- Fill out the Student Biodata Form (online form)
- A1 Format and Integrity Pact (format downloaded from SIMPKB)
- Principal’s Permission Statement (format downloaded from SIMPKB)
- S1 degree scan
- Scan of undergraduate transcript
- Scan your KTP/SIM ID card
- Scan of color passport photo with dimensions 4 x 6
- SKCK scan (from local police)
- Scan of Health Certificate (from local Community Health Center/RSUD)
- Scan of Drug-Free Letter (from BNN/Police/Puskesmas/Local Hospital)
- Scan NPWP (for those who have it)
- Scan Personnel Decree Lastly (The final employment decree for honorary teachers is the Decree from the Regent/Province which can be added to the Decree on the distribution of final school assignments. For civil servant teachers or Permanent Foundation Teachers it is clear)
- Join the telegram group using the link on the participant’s self-report card.
Information Services Information services will be delivered via the PPG Undiksha page
Thus, this announcement is submitted for follow-up, thank you for your attention.