Singaraja- The Main Information and Documentation Management Officer (PPID) of Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha) conducted a monitoring and evaluation (monev) roadshow related to public information transparency to the Executive PPID in each faculty. Undiksha’s Faculty of Engineering and Vocational (FTK) was the first to be targeted in this activity.
This monitoring and evaluation is carried out on public information and documentation published on the website based on its types. The Head of PPID Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Ketut Sudiana, M.Kes in his speech said that this monitoring and evaluation activity was carried out as a step to strengthen the quality of public information transparency management at Undiksha. “This is also part of the implementation of Law Number 14 of 2008 concerning Public Information Transparency, which requires every public institution to provide transparent and accountable access to information to the public,” he said.
Furthermore, Prof. Sudiana explained that the focus of this monev is to assess the extent to which the publication of public information has been carried out effectively through the Implementing PPID website. It is hoped that any information provided by each unit at Undiksha can be easily accessed by the public, especially those related to academic services, research, and other activities in the campus environment.
Through this opportunity, the faculties, including FTK, are encouraged to initiate innovations in order to optimize public information services as well as public information publications. Currently, Undiksha has formed a Public Information Ambassador involving students. In the future, it is desirable to also involve the alumni.
On the same occasion, the Dean of FTK Undiksha, Prof. Dr. Kadek Rihendra Dantes, expressed his appreciation for the implementation of the activity. “We welcome this monitoring and evaluation activity because it is very important to ensure that we have complied with the rules of public information transparency and provide maximum information services for the community,” he said.
Based on the results of the monitoring and evaluation, updating public information and documentation is something that is emphasized and needs to be a concern so that the public gets and knows the latest information. Against this, Prof. Rihendra Dantes stated that FTK Undiksha continues to improve the accessibility of information within the faculty, especially related to academic activities and the development of excellent programs in the field of technical and vocational education. “We will continue to strive so that the information available on our PPID website is more complete, accurate, and easily accessible to anyone who needs it,” he continued.
This monitoring and evaluation roadshow activity is expected to provide constructive input for each PPID Executive at Undiksha, and ensure that any public information submitted is in accordance with applicable standards. In addition, this activity is also a place to increase awareness and understanding of the entire Undiksha academic community about the importance of information disclosure in the world of higher education. (hms)