Singaraja- The HISPISI Communication Forum hosted by the Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) which took place on Monday (9/11/2020) discussed various matters relating to the development of education, particularly at the faculty level. The discussion was carried out between the Deans and Deputy Deans, Heads of departments and Study Program Coordinators, Managers of Departmental and Faculty Labs, and Managers of Departmental and Faculty Scientific Journals.
This forum discusses matters relating to the Tri Darma of Higher Education concerning education and teaching, research, and community service. In addition, it also discussed student programs, finance, and management of Human Resources (HR). In this forum, the most strategic thing that was studied was in preparing the main performance indicators for higher education institutions which were part of the emergence of the Free Learning and Independent Campus (MBKM) policies from the Ministry of Education and Culture. In this case, the 12 Universities that are members of HISPISI are ready to collaborate in supporting and preparing the eight main performance indicators of tertiary institutions so that they can be achieved properly.
In addition to that, attention is also directed in the context of the implementation of Merdeka Belajar and Merdeka Kampus policies. Inter-university endeavors to establish cooperation, both related to the intersection of students and teachers. This collaboration requires further communication, which starts at the leadership level, then specifically the same inter-product.
The development of faculty and departmental laboratories is also considered strategic as a basis for generating income, as well as being one of the supporting components of the learning process. To realize this, it is considered that support from the faculty/university is needed, especially in relation to the provision of expert and professional infrastructure and resources.
In the journal management forum, it was discussed about the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This is an effort to expand reach and access. In addition, the mechanism for publishing an article in a scientific journal in a reputable journal is also discussed. On another occasion, the Chairperson of the Committee for a series of HISPISI 2020 activities, Dr. Dewa Gede Sudika Mangku, S.H., LL.M., said that holding this communication forum could provide an opportunity for leaders to immediately realize the central ministry’s program regarding the Merdeka campus curriculum and be able to establish cooperation between study programs to realize joint teaching in existing tertiary institutions and improve the management of journals that are already owned in each tertiary institution. (rls)