Singaraja- Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) encourages lecturers to produce innovative research. This is a strategy to qualify for the Technology-Based Startup Company (PPBT) program. “We encourage how this research is innovative,” said the Head of the Undiksha Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM), Prof. Dr. I Gede Astra Wesnawa, M.Sc., Friday (28/2/2020).
He explained that in 2020, there were 19 proposals for PPBT candidates with various types, such as culinary, salt, sugar, games, and so on. In order to get maximum results, on 25 February 2020 assistance was carried out which presented resource persons from the Director of PPBT, Ir. Retno Sumekar, M.Sc at the Undiksha Denpasar Campus. “Through this assistance, we want PPBT and CPPBT to increase,” he explained. Delivered further, from the proposals, it is targeted that at least six proposals will emerge innovations so that they can pass the PPBT. Therefore, in mentoring, discussions are carried out in a swooping manner about the strengths and weaknesses possessed. “From the chancellor, we are always assigned, how to push research that can be brought into innovation,” said this academic in geography.
Apart from pursuing to pass PPBT, Undiksha is also trying to increase the downstream and commercialization of lecturer research results. “So it’s not just about producing publications, no,” he said. No less important, according to the academic from Dalung, Badung Regency, the university also encourages lecturers to produce technology-based entrepreneurs and technology-based innovations. “We are trying to find ways for lecturers and faculties who have research potential to lead to CPPBT,” he concluded. (hms)