Singaraja- Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) as one of the tertiary institutions in Indonesia is targeted to become an International Reputable University in Education and Leadership (IRUEL). This target is being welcomed by study programs, one of which is Informatics Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering and Vocational (FTK). The program being rolled out is to improve the quality of learning through the development of innovative learning tools. This program is strengthened through a series of workshops that present competent speakers.
The first workshop took place on July 19, 2021. The speakers presented were Prof. Dr. I Wayan Santyasa, M.Sc., and Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Padmadewi, M.A. The two Undiksha academics presented material on the development of innovative learning tools with problem-based learning models.
Dean of FTK Undiksha, Dr. Gede I Gede Sudirtha, S.Pd., M.Pd., said that the development of innovative learning tools really needs to be done. This is not only an effort to increase the competitiveness of study programs, but also to improve the quality of learning, especially in the midst of implementing online learning. “Of course, the faculties and study programs continue to take steps in an effort to improve quality, including to support the realization of Undiksha as IRUEL,” he said while giving his speech.
He further conveyed that the implementation of activities in the context of implementing the Independent Campus Competition Program (PK-KM) is also one of the strategies to achieve the Main Performance Indicators (IKU) of tertiary institutions. “Besides PTI, I also encourage other study programs to always make breakthroughs and create innovative things. This is very necessary,” he said.
Meanwhile, the activity coordinator, Dr. Ketut Agustini, S.Sc., M.Sc., explained the development of innovative learning tools based on learning models, such as problem-based learning, case study, and project-based learning. “The whole of this learning model is very relevant in the current learning context, where students are required to be able to think critically and solve problems. These models emphasize or are student-oriented,” she explained.
The workshop will be held three times. The second workshop took place on 26 July 2021 which presented Prof. Putu Sudira from Yogyakarta State University and Dr. R. Edi Sewandono from PT. Pertamina. The material presented is the development of innovative learning devices with a learning model case study. The third workshop was on August 2, 2021, presented by Prof. Dr. Mochamad Bruri Triyono from Yogyakarta State University and Dr. Gede Ariadi, S. Kom., MBA from PT. Marajaya Dewi Sakti. The material presented is the development of innovative learning tools with a project-based learning model.
Agustini further conveyed that this activity was also filled with the preparation of RPS and RTM which could be used as a reference in implementing the learning process. “RPS and RTM documents are produced on the basis of learning model problem-based learning, case study, and project-based learning. This will later facilitate lecturers and students in learning,” she concluded. (hms)