The 2020 Development Coordination Meeting (Rakorbang) at Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha), which took place from 7 to 9 December 2018, was not only filled with presentations by the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, and the Planning Department. In order to strengthen the direction and policies of the institution, three speakers were also presented, namely the Head of the Finance and General Bureau of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Moh. Wiwin Darwina, S.E., M.Sc., Chair of the PTN PKBLU WR II Forum, Dr. S. Martono, M.Si., and Director of Facilities and Infrastructure at the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Dr. Mohammad Sofwan Effendi, M.Ed.
At the Rakorbang held at the Madu Sari Hotel, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency, Wiwin Darwina spoke about the use of assets and human resources in efforts to increase PNBP. In it, there needs to be a management and optimization strategy. It was explained that this could be done through lending, renting, cooperation in utilization, and cooperation in providing infrastructure. This also needs to be balanced with training activities held jointly with the government and private sector which are attended by the university community, government and company staff as well as the general public. Apart from that, there are also consultation activities that are held and utilized with the government, companies, and the general public, as well as other expertise utilization activities within the scope of community service that contribute to improving welfare.
Meanwhile, Martono, who is an academic at Semarang State University (UNNES), conveyed the proposed mechanism for preparing the UNNES budget, the preparation stages for the procurement of goods and services, including the methods and methods for selecting them. There is also the preparation of the RKBMN. According to him, this must be prepared carefully. Especially for Sofwan Effendi, conveying planning and development policies for PTN infrastructure, lLDIKTI, and science and technology institutions. According to him, this must refer to the priority scale. (hms)