Prof. Dr. Ni Made Pujani was born in Bungaya Village, Karangasem, November 4, 1963. The couple Made Berata and Ni Ketut Ranis, both of whom work as elementary school teachers in their village. She is the second of eight children. There are brothers and sisters who work as Civil Servants (PNS) in government agencies, as teachers, as lecturers, and as private employees.
She married in 1991 to Drs. I Made Danu Budhiarta, M.Pd who is also a lecturer at the Undiksha Faculty of Sports and Health. From this marriage, she was blessed with two children, namely Putu Hari Sudewa, M.Pd. as a lecturer in Undiksha’s Science Education Study Program and Made Tantri Pratiwi, S.Pd. working in the world of tourism.
Ni Made Pujani studied from elementary school, at SDN 2 Bungaya in 1969 -1975. Middle school education at SMP N 1 Amlapura in 1976-1979, and SMA N 1 Karangasem in 1980-1982.
Born in an educational environment that encouraged her to continue to higher education. She studied in the Physics Education S1 program at FKIP UNUD from 1982-1987.
After marriage, she and her husband continued to help the family while continuing their Master’s studies from 1994-1997 at the Bandung Institute of Technology by taking the field of Physics, a talent group for earth physics. Ten years later she continued her doctoral studies at the Science Education Study Program UPI Bandung starting in 2007 and finishing in 2011. She took the Science education field with a concentration in Physics.
Her master’s and doctoral studies went smoothly and she was assisted by a BPPS scholarship. The challenge is the distance where the lecture is far away and it is still difficult to communicate. But with a strong commitment, the journey can be passed well and smoothly. (hms)