CORRUPTION is still a serious problem in Indonesia. News of cases that are detrimental to the country appears quite frequently in the media, both print and electronic. Children to adults can easily access the news. However, without realizing it, it will actually have a negative impact on children whose way of thinking is still abstract, especially on character decay. The nation’s children, who in fact are new human beings who are potential successors and leaders of the nation, must be guided and directed from an early age to anticipate being affected by the environment and cultures that are not in accordance with the applicable rules and norms, corruption is no exception.
Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) academician, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Lasmawan, M.Pd., stated that in order to form an anti-corruption character, efforts are needed to humanize humans, namely through Homonization and Humanization. The terms hominization and humanization or humanizing young people are the formulations of Driyarkara’s educational philosophy, which directs the process of awareness to humanize humans. Hominization is a humanizing process in general but Humanization is a humanizing process. “Humans are different from other creatures, such as animals or plants. Humans will not reach their ‘humanity’ phase without education. It’s different with animals. Animals don’t need education, because, in essence, they don’t have reason,” he explained as a guest speaker at the National Civic Law Seminar held by the Undiksha Law and Citizenship Department, Friday (1/10/2021).
In the process of homogenization and humanization, continued Lasmawan, humans can achieve further development and self-realization in terms of culture and science. This process also needs to be balanced with personal education.
Because through education, humans will process homogenization and humanize themself towards a higher realm of humanity, namely human beings who are humane. “It is at this human level that the soul is formed and that character is acted out by humans as a unique person. Humane acts of these individuals will occur and one of them can happen through education, whether formal, informal, or non-formal,” concluded Undiksha’s Deputy Chancellor II.(hms)