Singaraja– Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) is committed to producing graduates who are superior, characterized, and professional. This was welcomed by the Software Engineering Technology Study Program (TRPL) Department of Informatics. One strategy to make this happen is to strengthen collaboration with the World of Industry and the World of Work (Iduka).
One of the industrial collaborations was built with PT. Mitrais. The discussion was further strengthened by the departments and study programs through a visit that took place on September 29, 2022. The visit was led by the Head of the Informatics Engineering department, Dr. Luh Joni Erawati Dewi. He conveyed the main vision of the Undiksha TRPL study program is to prepare graduates who are superior, characterized, and professional in software development, especially in the tourism industry and creative technology. Realizing this, of course, must involve the role of professional practitioners from Iduka, especially in designing learning processes related to projects and mentoring. It is hoped that this can be realized with PT. Mitrais. “Industry collaboration in learning, implementation project-based learning and product-oriented learning, and implementation of the learning ecosystem in the vehicle teaching factory-teaching industry There are several programs carried out to achieve this goal.
Director of PT. Mitrais, Gusti Putu Kompiang said that mastery of competencies related to software engineering is urgently needed at this time, especially mastery of development tools and public speaking the good one. His party also agreed to collaborate with Undiksha in
curriculum development.
Collaborative efforts carried out by the Undiksha Informatics Engineering Department are not only with technology development companies but also with similar educational institutions. One of them was with the Bali State Polytechnic TRPL Study Program which was also filled with visits as well as discussions related to curriculum development collaboration and project-based learning. (rls/hms)