Singaraja- Ganesha University of Education is implementing Pre-Service Professional Teacher Education (PPG) class I in 2023. This program, which was attended by hundreds of participants, began with an academic orientation, Tuesday (12/9/2023). Undiksha Chancellor, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Lasmawan, M.Pd, who opened the event, emphasized that education has a strategic role in nation development.
This time, Undiksha received a pre-service PPG allocation of 284 students. However, 258 people reported themselves and continued to attend academic orientation consisting of six fields of study, namely Balinese, Indonesian, Primary School Teacher Education (PGSD), Natural Sciences (IPA), Physical and Health Education, and software development.
Undiksha Chancellor, Prof. Lasmawan emphasized that education is a field that will lead anyone to make themselves and their environment better. He emphasized that when this world is destroyed and all social devices, social institutions, and political institutions no longer function, then only education is the way for humans to rebuild this world or nation. The meaning of this statement is essential and emphasizes that the education sector has a strategic role. “That’s why the country is now placing education as one of its funding priorities and development priorities because we realize that by building education properly and well, it means we have developed this nation correctly. “This is one of the reasons why there are PPG programs, acceleration programs, qualifications, driving teachers, and so on,” he stressed.
Attendance at Undiksha to take part in PPG is seen as proof that students are at the forefront of the development of the Indonesian nation through the field of education. It is hoped that after participating in this national program, participants will be selected by the state to be given positions, one of which is to become a State Civil Apparatus or Government Employee with a Work Agreement (PPPK).
Rektor yang pernah menjabat sebagai Dekan Fakultas Ekonomi Undiksha ini juga menegaskan dalam pelaksanaan PPG, Undiksha berkomtimen untuk selalu menjaga kualitas mutu. Para dekan dan program studi pelaksana PPG diminta untuk memahami hal tersebut dan dapat memberikan pelayanan secara maksimal kepada para mahasiswa. “Metode pendekan mahasiswa PPG mestinya berbeda dengan mahasiswa yang lain karena kita mendidik orang-orang yang akan menjadi profesional,” pungkasnya.
Koordinator PPG Undiksha, Drs. I Gede Nurjaya, M.Pd menjelaskan mahasiswa tersebut tidak hanya berasal dari provinsi Bali, tetapi juga dari Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) dan Nusa Tenggara Barat (NBT) dengan jumlah yang lebih banyak. “Yang menyenangkan ada dari NTT dan NTB, dan itu jumlahnya jauh lebih banyak. Itu menunjukkan daya tarik PPG Undiksha, meskipun harus luring disini mereka (mahasiswa,red) sudah siap untuk datang ke Undiksha,” terangnya.
Usai mengikuti orientasi akademik, mahasiswa akan mengikuti perkuliahan selama dua semester yang dilaksanakan secara hybrid. Diharapkan seluruh tahapan dari PPG ini diikuti dengan baik sehingga para mahasiswa dapat lulus dan mampu menjadi calon guru yang profesional. (hms)