Singaraja- Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) again welcomed eleven students from three universities in the Philippines to take part in the Field Introduction Program (PPL) and Field Work Practices (PKL) for the period January-February 2019. Acceptance by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Putu Arnyana, M.Sc., took place in the Ganesha I Room of the Rectorate, on Monday (28/1/2019).
Based on the data, two of the students came from Mariano Marcos University, six from Tarlac Agricultural University, two from ISAT U Philippines, and one from NEUST Philippines. Eight of them took part in PPL at the Engineering and Vocational Faculty (FTK) and Undiksha Lab School as well as three PKL in the tourism sector at the Puri Bagus Hotel, Buleleng, which lasted for one month. Vice-Rector, Ida Bagus Arnyana hopes that this program can run according to plan and be able to provide satisfactory results. “We hope that this program can improve the quality of participants,” he said accompanied by the Chair of the Undiksha Learning Development and Quality Assurance Institute (LPPPM), Prof. Dr. A.A.I.N. Marhaeni, M.A. It was further stated that the implementation of this program by Undiksha was also to support the internationalization at home which was launched by the chancellor in 2019. Through this, it is hoped that a sustainable collaboration in the field of education will emerge.
Meanwhile, the Chair of LPPPM, Prof. Marhaeni also said the same thing. This program does not only focus on the academic field but also becomes a medium for cultural introduction. “If the study program has a student event or something else, these students can be involved. Just coordinate with us,” she said. Previously, this university, which already has a Faculty of Medicine, accepted eight students for a similar program. Apart from that, it also sent 33 students to the Philippines, Vietnam, and Thailand. “This program is also running for the July-August 2019 period,” added Marhaeni. (hms)
- Suasana penerimaan mahasiswa luar negeri yang PKL dan PPL di Undiksha