Singaraja- The inaugural lecture for participants in the Category I 2022 In-service Teacher Professional Education (PPG Daljab) at the University of Education of Ganesha (Undiksha) began, Tuesday (19/7/2022). This lecture went smoothly. This was conveyed by the Undiksha PPG Coordinator, Drs. I Gede Nurjaya, M.Pd., after monitoring.
The smooth running of lectures, according to Nurjaya, cannot be separated from the commitment of the participants to take this national program seriously. No less important is the commitment of the Undiksha leadership and all parties involved as well as the preparations that have been made before. “Before the lectures started, we also carried out refreshments for the instructors and tutors. There is also a refreshment for the IT team and preparatory meetings by the entire committee and admin team. Participants were also given information about the stages,” he explained.
Undiksha as an institution whose role is to realize superior Human Resources (HR) is always committed to the success of PPG implementation. “For Undiksha, PPG is not a new thing. However, we are still taking steps to improve the quality of implementation,” explained the lecturer at the Faculty of Languages and Arts.
He hopes that the participants and instructors, tutors, and the implementation team can always collaborate to make PPG continue to run well and get the best results. “Communication is very important in implementing this program. If participants encounter problems, they can be conveyed to us. And vice versa,” he concluded.
In addition, in PPG Daljab Category I, Undiksha involved 133 lecturers and 133 tutors in the implementation of education and teaching. In addition, there are 34 class admins according to the number of study groups and IT admins. (hms)