Singaraja- In the current Era 4.0, the younger generation is required to have soft skills besides hard skills. This is because, in an era of uncertain disruption, it will cause someone with the ability to adapt to survive, while those who cannot adapt will easily be eliminated. Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) realized this, so they chose soft skills and leadership as one of the materials given to new students in Introduction to Campus Life in 2021. This material was delivered by Undiksha academics, Dr. I Ketut Sudiana, M. Kes., Saturday (14/8/2021).
This MIPA Faculty lecturer explained soft skill and leadership in the millennial era needs to be understood in order to prepare future leaders. In this regard, Undiksha Young Ganesha stated “ready” to become a student must be reflected physically, mentally, and intellectually. Mature humans, in this case, students, must be task-oriented, have clear goals, and have efficient work habits. In addition, new students must have clear goals when choosing to study at Undiksha and be responsible for their choices. This can be seen from the way students participate in PKKMB. “Students must be task-oriented, have clear goals, and efficient work habits. Must have a clear purpose why college, and be responsible for behavior and personal business. If freshmen are responsible, then they are ready to take part in PKKMB. Don’t give up,” he said.
New students who are currently at golden age (golden age) must be seen from their attitude because they will become a leader in the future. Therefore soft skills are very necessary to make life easier, more peaceful, and more beautiful, and can even lead to success. “Training soft skills and leadership in PKKMB are intended to provide provisions for new students so they can achieve success in the future, “said the lecturer who was born in Gianyar.
Former Head of Development Working Groupsoft skill This Undiksha continues one of the attributes of soft skill is leadership. In college, students are expected to find themselves soft skills in him. “Because new students are adult students who can be responsible and can choose and sort out what is good and what is bad. Therefore, the portion is small when in college, it’s different from elementary school,” he continued.
College students can develop soft skills through extracurriculars, namely through innovative learning and through extracurriculars, one example is ormawa. This academic who was born on October 23 also revealed that everyone is a leader, at least for himself. Therefore, to become adults, new students are invited to never stop learning and must have the courage to change and develop according to the times so they are not left behind because the current millennial generation is the future successor of the nation and future leaders. (hms)