Singaraja– “If you want to develop your country you have to educate your citizen” which means if you want to build a nation then the main thing to do is educate the people, nothing else. This is a quote belonging to Nelson Mandela which was conveyed by the Deputy Chancellor for Academic and Cooperation Undiksha Dr. Gede Rasben Dantes, S.T., M.TI., as a guest speaker at the Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) at the Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha), Saturday (14/8/2021).
On the second day of PKKMB, the Deputy Chancellor who is also an alumnus of the University of Indonesia raised the title Undiksha ADVANCED (Independent, Adaptive, Honest, and Excellent) Generation through education in the 4.0 revolution era and the Covid-19 pandemic. This topic explicitly shows that education is the key to creating superior and competitive human resources. “There is nothing more valuable than education. That is the goal of the parents of younger siblings, to send their younger siblings to higher education,” he said.
In the current 4.0 revolution era, manufacturing activities are integrated through the use of technology wireless, and big data massively and indirectly becomes a challenge. In this situation, new students must really prepare themselves so that later they can face competition and have competitiveness.
“Our goal is to adopt the challenges that arose in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. So the literacy we used to know was calistung (reading, writing, counting). At the moment it is not enough. With the development of technology, what must be strengthened is data literacy, namely how can we manage and utilize this data optimally, technological literacy, namely how can we adopt technology and be able to implement it, then the third is human literacy, how can we build and develop interpersonal skills,” he said.
Undiksha as an academic institution takes strategic steps to improve student competence. This is stated in the curriculum, one of which provides space for students to take courses outside the study program. This is also at the same time related to the independent campus learning policy. “The goal is that education is not only a transfer of knowledge, not only a transfer of skills, not only a transfer of technology. The most important thing in education is the existence of transfer values because education is a process, “said the academic from Badung Regency.
Meanwhile, regarding learning during a pandemic, Undiksha implemented online learning with its various platforms. Students are expected to continue to follow well by thinking about going to campus, looking like they are going to campus and preparing a comfortable room to receive the material, then listening to lecture material properly and taking notes. “So you have to set yourself like a normal lecture offline, make notes for each assignment deadline you have. If you feel that you are sitting too long, students can move or go for a little walk, and lastly, always take care of their health and manage stress,” he said.
On this occasion, it was also conveyed that the Chancellor of Undiksha always conveyed to lecturers not to burden students too much with coursework that exceeds the weight of their credits and to improve the online learning process by maximizing the use of Undiksha e-learning. In the final session of his presentation, he reiterated the policy of Freedom to Learn at the Merdeka Campus. “This is in accordance with the initial concept of our Father of Education, Mr. Ki Hajar Dewantara, namely to make every place a school and make everyone a teacher. “So younger siblings can study anywhere, not necessarily at school or on campus, and learn from anyone based on their experiences. Therefore, the government gives us the opportunity to study three semesters outside the study program,” he said. (hms)