Singaraja- Dozens of students who took part in the 2019 Homeland Archipelago Student Exchange Program – Credit Transfer System with Technology (Permata Sakti) had the opportunity to meet face-to-face with the Chancellor of the University of Education of Ganesha (Undiksha), Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Jampel, M.Pd., Thursday (11/14/2019). Students from various tertiary institutions with the status of Education Personnel Education Institutions (LPTK) are expected to always show their Indonesianness. “In the end, this student exchange is the unity of the archipelago. Because they come from various regions, they met here,” said the Chancellor of Jampel.
The former Dean of the Undikha Faculty of Education (FIP) said that Indonesia consists of various tribes. These differences must be made a source of pride and must always be supported by an attitude of harmony, which is always echoed by Undiksha. “Harmony for Indonesia. Undiksha is committed to creating something like that,” he said.
Delivered further, participation in this national program is only a small part of the process of self-development. Therefore, in the future, these students still have to improve quality and put forward attitudes that can become weapons to face the era of disruption, namely creative, critical, collaborative, and communicative. These four things must also be supported by character. “This is a must-have if you want to be able to compete,” he said.
As an institution that plays a role in improving the quality of human resources, Undiksha is very open to all students if they want to continue postgraduate education at Undiksha or other programs, such as Teacher Professional Education (PPG). “If you want to continue here, we are very happy. Just communicated. For example for S-2 or PPG,” added the Chancellor of the two children.
Vice Chancellor III Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Suastra, M.Pd who was also present at the meeting also expressed the same thing. Students are encouraged to be able to develop soft skills. “Self-quality must continue to be improved,” he said. This was also reiterated by the Chairperson of the Undiksha Permata Sakti Committee, Dr. Gde Wawan Sudatha, S, Pd., S.T., M.Pd and secretary, I Ketut Iwan Krisna, S.E.
One of the participants, Brenda Imelda Kariso, admitted that she was very proud to be able to take part in this program at Undiksha. He does not only focus on developing academic abilities but can also learn the culture of the archipelago. “It’s an extraordinary experience. Can share with other friends, get to know each other’s culture, “she said.
This Manado State University student also admitted that she was impressed with Undiskha. Culture can be combined with education and it is considered unique. “What I like the most is that Undiksha is still able to maintain local culture, in the midst of many foreign cultures entering. Like every Thursday, students wear traditional clothes,” she said.
Her desire to be able to continue her education at a university that already has a Faculty of Medicine is very big. She hopes that it will come true in the future. “If there is an opportunity, I long to come here again. As stated by the Chancellor, maybe you can continue with your master’s degree or join PPG later,” added the Informatics Engineering Education Study Program student.
According to previous information, the Permata Sakti program was attended by students from Jakarta State University, Indonesia University of Education, Surabaya State University, Malang State University, Makassar State University, and Manado State University, all of whom have LPTK status. The selection is carried out strictly, including at Undiksha. Starting from administration and interviews. This is also supported by student achievement and the Grade Point Average (GPA) and have never been subject to academic sanctions. In this program, students take part in education for three months at the destination university, from September to November 2019. (hms)
- Suasana pertemuan di Ruang Ganesha I Rektorat Undiksha