Singaraja – The implementation of the 2020 PERMATA-SAKTI Program at Ganesha University of Education feels very different from the previous year. Where should the students beside-in in destination colleges, for 2020 this is done fully online. However, this creates a new challenge for the lecturers of the PERMATA-SAKTI 2020 program. Besides being demanded to be more effective in choosing teaching media, they are also required to be more flexible in the learning process.
As expressed by, Dr. Dewa Gede Sudika Mangku, S.H., LL.M. lecturer of Air and Space Law, who stated that lectures with PERMATA-SAKTI students this time provided a challenge for Undiksha lecturers to be smarter and more flexible in learning activities. “Because it has to be fully online, we are challenged to provide education to students through learning media such as applications Zoom or google meet whose vibration is very different from face-to-face lectures. We as lecturers can only see students from laptop screens, which of course creates a lack of emotional bond between lecturers and students,” he said.
“Apart from that, issues related to quotas and network quality from each region are the problems they face. If students come from areas where the network is not good, it will certainly be an obstacle in the learning process. On the one hand, online learning must be carried out due to the impact of Covid-19,” added the lecturer of the Law Study Program when met at Undiksha’s Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Monday (11/30/2020).
Dewa Mangku also revealed that online lectures are the best alternative for distance lectures in these conditions. “So as educators, we must be accustomed to using information technology to facilitate learning activities like this. This is where lecturers are expected to be smarter, more creative, and flexible in seeing the situation of students,” he added.
In fact, the lecturer who graduated from the Doctoral Program at Gadjah Mada University stressed that the real challenge is to make the essence of online learning remain the same as offline learning. “So here we are challenged so that students get impact from what is given during online lectures. And we, as educators, are also demanded not to be negligent and to prepare more appropriate materials and media for online lectures,” he concluded.
For 2020, Undiksha involved 9 subject lecturers to carry out online learning for PERMATA-SAKTI students spread across 7 faculties within the Ganesha University of Education. (adm)
- Proses Belajar Mengajar secara Daring bagi Mahasiswa PERMATA-SAKTI 2020
- Dr. Dewa Gede Sudika Mangku, S.H., LL.M. Dosen pengampu Mata Kuliah Hukum Udara dan Ruang Angkasa