Singaraja– Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) again held an outbound involving new students, Saturday (10/19/2019). The activity which took place in Menyali Village, Sawan District, Buleleng is one of the strategies to give birth to a superior generation in harmony.
Chairman of the Committee, Dr. dr. Made Budiawan explained that this activity was attended by student representatives from each faculty, each of which consisted of 20 people. It includes students from the Affirmation program and also Permata Sakti from Makassar State University and Manado State University. “The participants came from eight faculties. This is one of the programs from the Undiksha Softskill Working Group,” he explained.
This program carries the theme “Build Superior Character in Harmony”. The theme is considered relevant to be echoed because the current situation is quite concerning. In the midst of society colored degradation of morals and character. “Of course Undiksha as a tertiary institution feels called and has an obligation to give birth to a generation with character. I hope that a harmonious life can be born from Undiksha for Indonesia,” he said.
Meanwhile, Vice Chancellor III Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Suastra, M.Pd., explained that Undiksha has carried the vision of becoming a superior university based on the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana in Asia in 2045. Realizing this, students with character cannot be separated. “Students as part of the campus, must have good character. Good personal skills. This is important to realize that vision, “he said.
This program is not an annual ceremony. But through it, students get a lot of benefits. Namely being able to build cooperation between students, build communication, and build togetherness which is often echoed by the Chancellor of Undiksha. “Undiksha students must have great character and soft skills. So all student components must develop soft skills. Through this, cooperation, responsibility, and togetherness can be developed. This is where all students from various faculties collaborate towards Undksha Harmony,” explained the former Director of the Undiksha Postgraduate Program.
Apart from outbound activities, character strengthening is also carried out through seminars by inviting motivators. The most important thing according to this academic from Klungkung, every activity, student activity must be implemented, such as communication skills in campus life. Be able to act and think positively. “And most importantly students can be confident and proud to be part of Undiksha. You have to get used to this soft skill,” he added. This activity was also coupled with a community service program that collaborated with the Undiksha Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM), in the form of caring for the environment and handing over trash bins at Puseh Temple, Menyali Village. (hms)
- Suasana Outbound Undiksha