Singaraja- Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) is not only concerned with improving the quality of students. But also school principals, as education stakeholders from kindergarten to the high school level. One way is through education and training.
The activity took place at the Jinengdalem Campus, Buleleng District. The first batch was attended by 200 participants which took place from 29 November to 6 December 2019. There was also a second batch which was attended by 160 people, which took place from 12-19 December 2019.
Chairman of the Committee, Prof. Dr. Ketut Suma, M.S., explained that the program participants were school principals at PAUD as well as elementary schools, coming from Karangasem and Klungkung Regencies. In this training, the material provided relates to ministry policies, regional government policies, management analysis techniques, development of school work plans, and so on. “In this training, there is an assessment of the participants. There is a passing standard,” he said.
Chancellor of Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Jampel, M.Pd., after opening the activity hoped that through this training, school principals in Bali could carry out their duties and functions better. Furthermore, the Chancellor, who has served for 2 periods, also hopes that school principals will produce output and graduates according to the expected educational units. “In improving educational civilization, quality teachers are needed. Thus, all education stakeholders must play an active role. This starts with training to improve the quality of school principals, teacher quality, then continues with improving the quality of infrastructure,” he said.
The Chancellor, who has just confirmed his professorship, believes that the teacher is the most decisive factor for the nation’s civilization. Its presence plays a very important role in determining the superior next generation. “Because when a teacher is qualified, he is the one who is able to shape the generation of this nation for the better,” he added.
One of the participants, Komang Degeng, S.Pd., welcomed this program positively and hoped that it would run according to the expectations of all participants. “If you are diligent and disciplined in participating in this training, the participants will be able to apply the knowledge gained (in this training, ed) in their respective educational units.” In addition, the Head of SDN 4 Antiga, Karangasem also said that in order to form a superior generation, discipline is always applied and transmitted to students. “Because for me, smart is necessary. However, we need intelligence accompanied by the character of discipline and courtesy according to the mandate of the 2013 curriculum,” he concluded. (hms)
- Suasana Diklat Kepala Sekolah di Undiksha