Singaraja – The Campus Life Orientation (OKK) for new students at the University of Education of Ganesha (Undiksha) is not only filled with socialization related to the Student Activity Unit and the chancellor’s policies. However, students are also given strengthening of nationalism, state defense, and leadership insights by presenting speakers from the Head of the Bali Ministry of Defense Regional Office, Col. inf. Ketut Budiastawa, S.Sos., M.Sc., Wednesday (14/8/2019).
Delivered, students have a very important role in nation-building. It can even be said to be the backbone for the continuity of this nation in the future. For this reason, it is very necessary to have an attitude of defending the country, including upholding the four pillars of nationality, namely Pancasila, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, the 1945 Constitution, and Unity in Diversity. “Students must also be proud to be able to stand on islands that are continuously connected as one. It has many tribes,” he said.
Various threats are still vulnerable to occur in society. The real form is in the form of ideological, political, socio-cultural, economic, technological, public safety, and legislation threats. Good national insight and a strong attitude of defending the country in the community are considered to be a way to get rid of it. “The biggest threat is legislation. Because the State of Indonesia is a state of law, meaning that every citizen, every apparatus must obey, submit to, properly the applicable law,” said the man from Busungbiu, Buleleng.
Regarding the threat of radicalism to society, he emphasized that he must remain vigilant at any time. This understanding is an attempt to cause division. “Radical is a trait that feels the most right or exclusive. Contrary to the attitude of deliberation that has always been instilled in Indonesia,” he said.
Meanwhile, regarding the role of educational institutions in campaigning for national insights and defending the country, it is still very much needed. It is considered that this has been going well so far. “In fact, all the lecturers have transformed that, the proof is that it has made students disciplined, smart, champions made them graduates who are successful. That’s actually called defending the country. Defending the country no longer takes up arms, but can spread kindness to others, transform skills so that the nation’s children become superior compared to children of other nations,” he added.
Vice Chancellor III Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Suastra, M.Pd said he would continue to supervise students, so they would not commit acts of deviating from the law. “We try to do early prevention,” he said. Regarding the campaign for the attitude of defending the country and national insight, Undiksha conducts it through teaching personality development courses. It is always maintained in the curriculum. “We consistently maintain Pancasila and citizenship courses in the curriculum,” he said. (hms)