Singaraja- The implementation of the 2022 Teacher Professional Education (PPG-Daljab) academic selection at the Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha) received appreciation during the monitoring and evaluation (monev) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) team on 20 and 21 April 2022. The implementation of the domicile-based selection received appreciation due to the conducive, professional, and smoothly run selection.
The selection carried out by Undiksha has reached four out of five periods. The participants came from various regions in Indonesia with various characteristics. The selection was done from their respective residences or places with internet access. Yulia Gita Fany and Indah Mustika Rini, the team in charge of the monev, ensured the implementation of the selection process. The monitoring process was carried out comprehensively, starting from the readiness of infrastructure, the readiness of human resources (both supervisors and committees), and the participants’ readiness. They considered that, in general, everything was good. “The selection process seems to have gone very smoothly and conductively. And indeed, from the first period, it has been implemented, and a selection mechanism like this has been implemented by Undiksha, such as the PPG UKM in 2021 and CASN. We truly appreciate and are very happy with the Undiksha committee, which has prepared well and carried the selection flawlessly,” they said.
They further stated that even if there were some technical problems in this selection, it was more due to the lack of preparations by participants, including the readiness for the use of technology. But these participants have received guidance from supervisors. “We see that the carrying capacity (of Undiksha), infrastructure, and human resources are very good because it involves lecturers and academic staff who are familiar with the use of technology. So they were very patient in guiding participants who were having difficulties,” added them.
The Head of the Selection Organizer, I Gede Nurjaya, stated that Undiksha was committed to the success of this selection. The selection process is supported by careful preparation from the start on various aspects. “Regarding the selection, we are very prepared. We have prepared infrastructure and human resources from the start,” he explained.
He also emphasized that Undiksha carried out this selection in full accordance with the guidelines to anticipate any problems that might occur. “That guideline may be said as an obligation. It’s a ‘holy book’ that we must follow so there are no undesirable things that would happen. We are very compliant with the guidelines, and we even modified certain things to strengthen the implementation of the guidelines,” he added.
As previously stated, Undiksha is trusted to be one of the implementers of the 2022 PPG-Daljab academic selection by Kemendikbudristek. This whole selection was the first time Undiksha had ever held with a total of 3,944 participants. Previously, Undiksha only accepted a quota of participants who were immediately ready to be taught through the PPG programme. (lpsy)